Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Monday, November 20, 2023


Another year down

Since last I posted it's been an interesting year to boot.
We begin as far as I can recall at this point and what ever is in my calendar (almost like I write these for a reason). According to it I went to Supanova which is kind of like a convention for a wide range of nerds lets put it, that's about the only way I can pair avid pop culture lovers and the niche and/or degenerate crowds. A highlight would be spending way too much money and getting a photo with Karl Urban. I feel that would be a gateway into getting photos with other celebs but I'm managing to stave that thought off. 

The next event of note would be seeing comedian Mark Normand which was definitely worth while especially when my only exposure to him prior was one clip on Facebook. 

The weekend after was a beach camping trip and oh boy was that an amazing experience. Glad to say I packed correctly and never ran into any hurdles which was nice. 

We fast forward to about September. Had a birthday party with an old university friend which was a great catch up. Also it's not often having a sausage sizzle with oven cooked sausages.

One fun thing about taking care of a house and incurring the bills and costs associated with it would be the maintenance. One such example was having a leak sprung on an outside pipe due to a tree being above it and its roots eventually piercing it causing a whopping $460 water bill and a $1,000 plumber fee in which we had to call back as another leak sprung but thankfully it was covered by warranty. Now to figure out how to deal with the house sinking. 

The final point I'll address for the year would be my trip to Thailand. Last I was there I went to Phuket and spent 8 days there and drained my money exceptionally quick before seeing the family. This time I decided to go to Pattaya for half the time before seeing the family and safe to say I should have swapped it all around because Pattaya was leagues better than Phuket and a hell of a lot cheaper. The family time was nice too being able to see the parents new house and attend a cousins birthday party. I finally after so many damn years figured out how to play the card game my mother would play with her friends. It's literally just go fish without asking for cards and instead of doubles it's triples. A bastardisation of the game but you get the jist. Over all it was a solid experience and keen to do the same some time soon. 

We're pretty much up to date, I'll hopefully get another post up for the sake of my failing memory.

Thursday, March 30, 2023


 The year so far

Figured there was no time like the present to keep the ball rolling. 
Starting the year off swing was already a birthday party or two which have been interesting and fun as per usual. 

The next three events though all have something to do with two of my now ex co-workers of my first job. Due to the housing crisis they had to leave to a suburb not overly close to the one they were originally in and so they needed to change jobs. It also didn't help that a pregnancy was in effect with the couple. What followed was a series of gender reveals (it's a dude), birthdays and baby showers. The gender reveal was a pleasant picnic in a park, the birthday was a house party and it went well and the people were easy to talk to. I didn't really drink though. The final event was the baby shower and it was just a house gathering and this one was a bit of fun as the games played were very interesting with the best one being a drinking contest using baby bottles. Definitely will remember this one for another event. 

A few other things that have begun this year was getting into game days including Dungeons and Dragons with a high school crew and Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader with my second job co-workers. Really refreshing being able to return to the fold. 

Finally the Sports Day. My brother hosted a primary school themed sports day with his friends which included four teams and various games both physical and drinking. I got to put my legionnaire hat, whistle and referee shirt into play and over all it was a success with plenty of room for improvement. Definitely keen for the next one.

And that's the year so far, knowing how I fare I probably won't post for a good long while but who knows.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


 A year in review (Started writing this on the 14/11/23 and only just finishing this now)

It's yet another year where I forget to post something here. Time is just something that goes faster and faster and I don't know how I feel about that. From what I can remember since the last post it's shockingly little. I'll try to piece together events but I don't think it'll be all that detailed as things just aren't as noteworthy as they once were and my standard of note worthy has drastically increased, gone are the days where I comment on the smallest conversations that gave me a spike of endorphins. 

Honestly for the life of me the only things worth noting were that I see friends, have adventures, chill, play games or party. Don't get me wrong, I love all those things and cherish every moment but it's just something that doesn't really need describing for the record. 

New years going into 2022 was spent at Fudge's place and as usual it was pretty lively and a hoot and a half. New years into 2023 however was spent at a friends place playing a few board games. Probably the tamest new years I've ever attended. This years will hopefully be much different. 

Going through my Facebook events is beginning to bring up lost memories, going down the list I can start with a birthday party and then a graduation celebration/birthday which was one hell of a weekend! 
It was a group of us in a penthouse suite near the beach. Amazingly my favourite Ramen chain was next to the hotel which I took great advantage of. We went clubbing, shopping, chilling and beaching. Notable experiences included a fire alarm being pulled and four buildings being evacuated while we were clubbing. We met up with two people from Melbourne and to this day keep in relative contact with. When outside I saw someone jacking off on a public bench and a girl peeing in the street. Gold Coast really is classy. After the club we hit up a karaoke bar. Last we were there we hired out a room however they removed the room and only have the public stage. Something surprising was that I recognised a few patrons from the last time (Which was over four years ago). During our time there we learnt more about our peers from Melbourne, they were two friends one guy one gal and the guy has had or has feelings for the girl but is a bit weird about it and the girl is unsure on her feelings with the guy. They've also dated in the past so it was a weird situation that has since been expanded on later funnily enough. The weekend overall was one that I would love to repeat again. 

Next event off the rank would be a going away gathering for someone I know from University. Once I was there it turns out I hadn't seen her in around four to five years. I didn't even realise it and it baffles me to this day. 

Skipping over to April there was a bucks day for one of my mates where we went axe throwing and pub crawling. Was an eventful experience though axe throwing was fun I definitely am not that great with it. 

In May I organised a trip to bowling and karaoke which for the most part was lively though there was this one girl who brought along a problematic uninvited boyfriend. This guy was walking red flags to the point where he was trying to gain our favour by buying drinks all night and asking when to propose to her with a ring he recently bought (They had only been dating for less than two month). Conflict arose when he claimed that one of the people who came pushed him when it was just an accidental bump which resulted in conflict. Despite apologising and attempting to clear the air about the situation the guy just wouldn't have it and kept trying to fight him. Safe to say that was the last time I ever saw him and it turns out they broke up not long after though I wished I had learnt about that earlier as I had her blacklisted from events under concerns that I would have to interact with him again. 

A few games nights and party dot the calendar up until my school reunion. An event I was dreading since the year began as I had volunteered to host it. Something I learnt was that Facebook events is a piece of dogshit and wouldn't notify people when I posted so getting payment was an ordeal. A stroke of good luck happened though when the venue called about numbers and upon hearing my low numbers they offered a different lounge at 75% off the price which was great as I was able to bring in more food on the night which was much appreciated by everyone. Overall the night was a success and I don't regret how it went down. Unfortunately it didn't go so well for one of the guests as his parked car had been run into as some how someone put their car into drive, went over the curb and did a lot of damage to the vehicle. Thankfully they left details but it was something one wouldn't expect on a night out. 

Thailand. What. a. Trip.
I decided to go in earlier than my brother so I could spent the week relaxing before he came in to party hard. I don't overly regret that decision, I guess a week was a bit much as I ran out of activities pretty fast and I didn't want to solo any tours. I tried premium economy and it definitely made the difference in terms of space. The greatest thing too was that the seat next to me was empty so I was able to play games with ease. The transition in Singapore was nice as I tried their automated tram system and visited the butterfly sanctuary but it was damn hot outside so I took my pictures and rushed straight back inside. Reaching Bangkok was pretty easy and despite getting a little lost looking for the currency exchange I eventually got everything sorted. There was a bit of a language discrepancy in the taxi as it turns out the guy was asking for a price rather than just using the meter was was annoying. The first hotel was very nice and friendly. The next day getting to the airport was nice and easy though as a foreign looking guy it was easy for me to get ripped off but I wasn't much in the mood to take the train that day. Flying to Phuket and then going from the airport to my room worked out pretty well with no hassles. The week was mainly spent the time getting as many cheap massages as possible though a lesson I learnt was that I definitely should go to the back alley places instead of the main road ones. With Phuket being a tourist trap the language barrier wasn't too hard to navigate but the prices were pretty high in comparison to the rest of the country. 

A week on and my brother came to join me and we went out clubbing. Safe to say getting drunk was impeccably easy as they are very generous with the portions of alcohol per drink. We went to one bar and it was a favourable experience other than having to buy the staff drinks for whatever reason. Granted playing games with them was fun and all but once we realised they were fleecing as much money as they could from us we left pretty promptly to go to the place I was longing to experience. The Ping Pong show. Entering the strip club we were immediately seated and next thing I know there's three strippers already flocked around me and I'm being fed shots. We were then ushered to the stage side seats for the main event. It was a lot more than what I was expecting. A lot. More. 
It first started with multiple sewing needles on a long string about three meters long. Then it was razor blades. Then in the intermission a guy carrying buckets of water by his balls. The girl comes back with a bucket of water she places below her and then plop, a live eel, then two, three, four, five, I'm a little fuzzy on the final number but it was around 6 to 8 eels swimming around in the bucket. I was shook. A stripper kept trying to feed me shots and I spill one on accident. I managed to get the attention of some patrons across from me as I licked up the spilt drink like a True Blue Aussie. Later the stage girls asked for a volunteer and my brother throws me straight under the bus so up I went. They took my shirt off, seated me down and proceeded to beat me with rubber sticks. I couldn't feel anything oddly enough and kept trying to incite the crowd. Once I leave the stage I notice my brother has a chair in in front of him trying to deflect ping pong balls being shot from the performer on stage. 

Afterwards we leave to try another club. This one was absolutely huge and from here we took the time to empty our stomachs through our mouths in their bathrooms. They have bathroom valets for some reason which was interesting. My brother some how managed to get us into the VIP section which provided a great view on the club below. 

We then left and managed to run into the people who sat across the stage from us in the ping pong show. Turns out they were fellow Aussies too so we hung out with them at the beach and ran into two of the strippers at the club also. Small town. 

The next day involved some nice boat tours, one of the islands was inhabited by a lot of cats we got to feed and pet which was nice. Snorkeling around the reefs was very refreshing and makes me motivated to get a snorkeling kit of my own. We got along with a Norwegian brick of a guy who hung out with us for a good portion of the tour and there were these two Americans putting their stereotype to the test by being loud and complaining a lot. After the tour they were screaming with their travel agent asking for their money back as they paid a lot more than what we did. Very amusing, bolsters my distain for US Americans. 

As my mother had come over with my brother we visited one of her friends and went on a tour around the rest of the islands from the lookouts, monkeys, cheaper food places and marketplaces. All of which were the peak Thailand experience. Our flight to the hometown was interesting as it was the first time I'd ever been on a propeller powered plane. Upon landing we met up with my father and we headed to the homestead. Due to space limitations I had to stay solo at my Grandmas place which surprisingly hadn't changed too much. The rest of the time spent there was doing passport and ID paperwork whilst also avoiding national service which was a mine field in on itself. Thankfully at my age it seemed like I was out of the woods though my brother after a great deal of dissuasion managed to get out of it. Apparently we would not be looked at favourably if we were to commit a crime and had not done military service. After a few road trips and scenic tours our trip unfortunately took a turn for the worse as my uncles health was rapidly deteriorating. I managed to see him once before he died two days later. The funeral service proceeded very quickly afterwards and it managed to bring a lot of the family back that I hadn't seen in well over a decade. The most interesting experience had to be what they called the "Water Ceremony" which consisted of the corpse being laid on a table covered except for the head and arm which is positioned over a flower arrangement and we would have to dip water on his hand. That was a very hard thing to stomach and my dad was very very perplexed by that. Whilst my mother was focusing her time at the funeral proceedings my father took us out on a few road trips exploring the countryside. He wasn't savvy with google maps so it helped that I would direct him places his paper maps hadn't catalogued. Eventually my parents decided we should spend the last two days doing something worthwhile and we were off to Bangkok again to party it up while we could.

We spent the days going to markets and shopping around and the night we spent clubbing with our fresh new IDs. Something to note was that a month prior weed had been legalised so upon our arrival to the clubs there were street sold weed and every drinks package came with a balloon filled with nitrous oxide. I couldn't for the life of me do the nitrous well so I stuck to cool old alcohol and weed. Only problem was I was high as a kite and my brother was drunk which created an interesting dynamic as I was sitting and staring at the ceiling a lot while he was energetic and dancing like crazy. 

The flight back went smoothly but a stroke of bad luck occurred when we landed in which I dropped my phone beside my seat and my Thai ID fell out in the home stretch so now I need to get another one on the next trip. 

Rounding out the year was something I found quite interesting in which I became closer with my co-workers at my first job. A few gatherings and a party with them solidified a good bond with them and them being a great deal younger than me was refreshing to relive the years of senseless drinking. 

Overall a good year was had. Hopefully I'll post something about 2023 so far as there have been a few notable events. 

Until then. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021



Just imagine the perfect girl strolls on by and your stupid ass hooks em up with someone else. Ok well that's not overly true but it felt good to type that anyway. Like I know it's definitely not a perfect fit and it will never happen but fuck, it honestly wouldn't be so bad would it? 

I used to come here to clear the head but my head doesn't feel so clear and I'm getting those thoughts again and I hate it.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


A New Era

It's an interesting season and the beginning of what I would consider a new chapter in the saga of life. To get this out of the way first I'll have to go through recent events.
From as far as I can remember from the last post to now personal and social life have been stock standard up until this point, work 1 is grueling and terrible as usual and work 2 is great and forthcoming with amazing co-workers. Events that I can recall would be a few parties that turned out to be really fun though one party I had an information overload so I thought maybe vodka would dull the overload, spoilers, it didn't.
The next day was another party with someone we hadn't actually spoken to in 3 years. Originally we were thinking of not bothering but eventually figured that we (Fudge and I) would make an appearance as he made one for ours. It was awkward at first as we barely knew anyone and by about an hour in I noticed some people (this was a Halloween theme party fyi) dressed in dress shirts with fake guns in holsters and I had came as a school shooter so I figured I'd approach and ask about it but it turned out to be a light ice breaker as we were quickly introduced and eventually stuck around. It was between him and this other girl to which Fudge made quick work of. We then got invited to another party a week later at the guys place where we met more people and it just snowballed from there. All because we decided to rock up and then happen to be wearing costumes that have fake guns and were just at the right place at the right time and met the right people. Insane.

My birthday soon rolled around and that proved to be relatively successful, I had 3 events in which I went to a darts bar then 2 games nights at mine. The second games night was definitely better than the first and it was such a great gamble bringing so many different people together that managed to get along swimmingly though there was definitely more room for improvement. 

Now comes the drama. In the last 3 weeks alone I have heard about 4 breakups and 1 divorce. What the fuck.
1st breakup was because the woman in the relationship is unable to put herself in another persons shoes let alone take criticism.
2nd breakup was because of a stubborn guy and a mentally inefficient girl.
3rd I'm not too sure but I assume it was due to too many heated disagreements.
4th was weird... like I feel it was because one was soul searching and the other had the outward appearance of being cool with it but wasn't? I'm not too privy on the details but I'm not going to pry in order to keep what's left of my sanity in check.
The Divorce was another case of slight mental personality instability clashing with a settled and mature mind. 

A lot to process.
Thus my belief that I am entering a new chaotic era, managing to reconnect with some but distancing with others. Don't know what the future is going to bring but it's not as bright as I once imagined. I don't know what to do next like yeah I like my job but it isn't stable in the slightest and the full time positions are a bit dicey. Who knows, though at the age of 26 I would hope I get my ass into gear.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


So I've figured out a few things

I suppose it's good to recap every 6 months seeing as it's reached a point where I don't need to put down every little nitty gritty detail that has occurred in my life, though I wouldn't be opposed to it with how bad my memory is. Let's begin.

From the beginning of this year it went pretty decently, the new years party was alright though I didn't expect to be mixing two friend groups together but it turned out pretty good except for a drunkard yelling near my parents bedroom window but other than that it was good. 

From there I think Australia Day was stock standard or I didn't do anything as I don't remember much of that period of time. 

March springs to mind as I got my concealable weapons license in which I bought a Glock 34. 

April to June was a mix of parties which went swimmingly well to gatherings here and there. The work situation was still the same though recently a maintenance person walked out of the job which created a little fanfare though now his jobs got slapped onto me very begrudgingly. Thankfully an old childhood friend offered me a casual position at his work which just involves mediating online meetings. The perfect pandemic job really. So now my time at my first job is toned down to 2 shifts a week with my other job taking top billing as my savings job and the monthly payment reinforces that.

Managed to get some photoshop projects going which is something I've been neglecting for quite a long time, slowly working my way up to doing more photo shoots with different people for some more personal projects. 

Other than that, will have to sign off real quick before I forget to hit post. Hopefully will do another post soon but who knows really.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Infrequent update number ???

Life has been all well and good as it can be for the past 6 months, the pandemic is slowing down in my neck of the woods so events are beginning to unfold again. Regular routine of working in the first part of the week, hanging out with a mate on Thursday then games on Friday before a weekend of whatever happens. Been camping which was nice as well as a few trips to the country. 

Had a Halloween themed party at Fudge's place and it was really really fun, almost could taste the 18 year old spirit which was a good breath of fresh air. Tonight I went to some indie concert thing which was alright though it was a good hang out. 

Personally things are ok, the pressure of getting a full time job is weighing on me more and more which isn't a pleasant feeling. Romantically obviously it's at a stand still as usual though I'm feeling my criteria is getting more complex at time goes on which I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing.