Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.


Disclaimer: These rants are not intended or has anything to do with anyone I know. These are just things that have happened to me at points of my life.
All content written is subject to extreme bias. All swearing is used for emphasis as i believe swear words should not be regarded as swear words as it gives more incentive to use it.
All content used here is not directed at anyone or anything in any way possible.


Anything said in response to this rant which contradicts this disclaimer will be dubbed as a fucking dumbarse comment by a fucking retarded dickhead.

See these pages:
Rants 1 - 10
Rants 11 - 20
Rants 21 - 30
Rants 31 - 40


The bad:
ok the STUPID things about the socio-economics of teens is that people make the most stupidest decisions in life (even i do) the first thing is pride, theres too much of it to the point where relaxing is considering being a pussy and a concern for general health and safety is as well which is why those people get killed first (good Riddance). the next thing is relationships and virginity, people always pressure one another about losing it and getting a girl friend for fucks sake let us worry about other shit first. now it comes to the field experiments i've conducted: ok first of all saying something over and over and over to a girl WILL make them hate you. Another thing if your a boy... doing anything that requires guts has both good and bad sides to things and as for girls... pfft hell if i know. next thing is peer pressure, limiting the freedom on one self in order to un-promote creativity. Its a big problem and its something that people should probably get beat over the head with a metal softball bat seriously i for one is called weird for a number of reasons (like weird as in "eww ur weird" not as in "lol i like the way u think" weird) yeah fuck them i do shit my own way. next thing, personal dominace over others (mainly ones body build and techniques) and to use fear over others, again metal softball bat to the face. next thing is music, we all have different tastes but fuck off with it k... just dont even talk about it.

The Good:
well we are all unique and thats what makes us special, the good thing to this is that we can all talk to each other and it's the foundation of friendship, this might lead to a successful relationship. it's understanding everyone well which makes you one of the most known people out there like for example i just got the jist to fob behavior, i never thought it possible. the only problem is that people have to accept that they cant know the world because not everyone is into that sort of person. next thing is that overcoming nervousness is a hard thing to do and i still to this day dont know how i did it, all i remember is that i was like "ok my belly is full of butterflies but i'm going to do it anyways" i did it then afterwards i didnt feel it at all but i still feel it when around the person i loved for so long so human emotions are even more weird. now i'm not someone who really deep down, i dont like to refer peoples strength and weaknesses into groups, but more like individually. we're all human but we're all different.