Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

My life.

Well i said I'd do it so i will:

Kindergarden: to this day i still don't know why they called it that (well I do now... 13 years later)... anyways we nick named it kindy. i remember having to comfort my friend because he didn't like his mum leaving him. i also remember my cousin coming every second day meaning it was near impossible for my friend to meet him until my last day of kindy... in which i was at pre school.

Pre-school: i remember in kindy we had to sleep on the ground... and i would never sleep. same applied for pre-school except they had stretchers which was cool and i think i managed to pick a few friends up.

Grade 1: when my parents first said school i was angry because i didn't like the change from kindy to pre-school then i had to change again but then i relised how different it was so i adapted, sat across this guy called harley... i think he had some dissorder where his stomach would release gases and he couldn't control it... and yes it stinks but he couldnt control that. i also remember first meeting alot of my friends then so that was an added bonus.. haha i still remember looking for my cousin not relising he was in pre-school. i remember as well trying to reach the flying fox (i was the shortest in my grade). the teachers asks "whats your favourite colour?" and i'm thinking... i don't have a favoutite colour so i looked out the window and said "Green!" teacher asks "why?" and I said "because greens everywhere!"

Grade 2: basically a few people i knew in grade 1 left but that didn't effect me so much and thats when the teacher made the mistake of putting me near the window thats when i developed the art of day dreaming and the teacher hated it XD
that and putting scissors in my mouth. boy was I a smart arse back then

Grade 3: I got this teacher who to some people had a hard to pronounce last name but for some reason i managed to get it before everyone else did. that was fun but there was the substitute teacher everyone seemed to like but i for some reason didn't. across the building we had a grade 4 class who had an awesome teacher as well but i didn't think she was awesome until grade 5 or 6? i also started playing chase with these girls... then one of them just left and only until NOW i managed to re-gain contact with her (thank YOU facebook!!!!). it was also the first time i won... or came second in a sports day event (my shoes fell off so i was flying)

Grade 4: I'm sketchy about this grade probably because nothing much happened but if i can recall I had 2 teachers, one for monday and tuesday and one for the rest of the days and the first time i got a detention, wasn't completely my fault.. i think?
still not much happened in that grade besides the learning. oh and since i was in grade 4 i had to go to the senior end of the school (we split 1 - 3 and 4 - 7) and the oval was boring when the equipment shed wasn't open. (UPDATED... sorry teachers!!!!) ok i remember i had a michael jackson loving teacher on the other side and i remember doing these math quizes and we had to get them as fast as we can and i would always come forth. the other thing is we got to make styrofome boats and my groups was epic :D

Grade 5: golden year that was, we got this teacher whose been at kuraby forever and still is! he liked elvis alot i can say thats for sure, i remember meeting these girls (and back then annoying girls is what kept me out of boredom) and grossing them out was also fun! but thats all i can think of.

Grade 6: thats when i got that teacher i heard about in grade 3 and she was an awesome teacher... her enthusiasm seemed to vary from day to day which made it hard to be creative. still that was a good year and i remember the target reward thingo where we would get points and when we reach the middle we got a prize (i probably only gotten to the middle maybe 1 or twice whilst everyone else got at least 3 or 4) and for some reason my parents just loved to check my homework. that and my brother started grade 1

Grade 7: the brightest year of all. the year my maturity came into its first stages as i began to be more aware of my surroundings and getting into peoples personalities. I soon also relised that girls looked attractive, it was weird at the time because i would look at one and get "feelings?". Anyways i picked up alot more friends in that grade and created a group called "J.A.D.O.G" (Jamie Adam David and Owens Group) and my friend Nathan wanted to be in it but everyone else didn't want him and i still don't understand why everyone thought him to be discusting or gross. One of my friends came in and well... screwed everything up for the time being, the teachers dubbed us a gang (Have YOU EVER seen a gang comprised of ALL NERDS??) and choosing leader was a bitch but then we chose the same friend that screwed JADOG up and he wanted JADOG disbanded so we ditched the old JADOG and created a new group called JADOG (yeah same name different goal) and this time there was no leader. now graduation was fun i'll say that except they cut out me saying "Friday activities" to "Friday" so it made me look as if i just wanted to leave for the weekend. Then leaving that gate made me relise how bloody quick that felt... that and only getting one year to try the senior playground.

Grade 8: It was like going into a foreign country but i managed to find my friends and just stayed with them through the constant loss of where i am and the new rules, teachers and people but back then i wasn't as "confident" as i am now (well now being in grade 11) but i managed to find some people and i stayed in the vegie patch... then some people decided to crash the place so we moved a little then we found this awesome spot thanks to my exploration of the school and we stuck there while this other group "migrated" to the spot. I remember how I got into Maths 102 at the time as I got recommended to repeat 101 and i was like "whoops" and circled 102 :D
In english i remember getting this awesome teacher and always turning around to these 3 girls XD

Grade 9: I started getting out... the the wrong direction. found annoying some people to be fun at the time and i did things that made be hated by alot of people and i was still the "who the fuck is owen" guy but i still stuck to myself but expanded my friends a bit.

Grade 10: The year that changed EVERYTHING! Well i still was my awkward self and i thought I'd undo the mistakes I made in the past sooooo i decided to start talking to more people and this was increasing my morale. I managed to be forgiven by everyone... excluding two that i know of. Then i gave up on my crush... which increased my confidence by a SHITLOAD!!!! also it didnt help that she was in 4 of my classes and i was with her all day on thursday XD but i didn't notice i had it until i was singing the assasins creed LITERAL version with 4 other people during class and asking out this girl on facebook. Then people expanded on that and wanted me to do it IN PERSON!?? so it was coming close to semi formal and i thought I'd do it then... in which i did, got on one knee as if i was marrying her XD
But come to think of it Semi Formal has to be one of the best nights EVER! did everything i could do that was just EPIC and i won the "soft drink super star award" and victoriously drank when i went to get the certificate but it was very sentimental at the end, i wish i could have been part of the moment more.

Grade 11: Everythings been good so far and I have managed to keep the likes of everyone in my grade and now i am well known and for valentines day i managed to send out eight roses and a seronade ($28) and i sent 5 to my (old) crush, 1 to my best friend, 1 to my other friend, 1 to the person i asked out and the seronade to her as well. Now i braught my Vietnamese Rice Patty hat to school twice and the first time was funny and the second time was for experimental purposes and the results were as my hypothesis stated, put simply: more WTF? and less LOL NICE!
(The following written on the 28/3/13) The rest of the year was calm and nice and nothing so much I can remember at this point. The work was bogus but the friends were stable and nice. Nothing much else so notable.

(Following written 28/3/13)
Grade 12: What a bloody year that was. The year seemed incredibly calm. No hostilities and no conflicts... I knew something was going to happen and I was right. Friendships began to crumble and virginity was becoming more and more rare in people and with the thought of schoolies marked the demise of plenty more. Relationships started then ended. Drama was coming left right and centre. Crushes were evolving. Craziness around every corner. So the things I can remember was that this guy was desperately attempting to get out of the friendzone. He some what succeeded cause he got a few blows and handies but nothing further. Another thing was that this trio of girls (the untouchable three I called them... but only now I realised that they were untouchable until grade 11). They split permanently causing alot of stir in the behive as it was around this one guy who is the ex boyfriend of this girl who the friend wants to get out of the friendzone from thus causing more complications cause she wanted him back but the other two girls want him and the guy said yes to one of the girls and the girls best friend didn't know and she liked him too and when she found out hostilities were caused and shit was stirred. But life went on regardless. People were running around looking for suits and dresses and dates and cars. What a shitfest that was. OH! and the formal committee! It was first a nice collaborative group of ideas and people even though it was run by bias leaders. Then it was becoming a pile of dog shit as no one attended or nothing was being done. Then the shit got put together and things were getting done! Things were decided and the preparations had been finalised... however we needed fund-raising and by doing that, we sold chocolates and what a fucking amazing thing that was!
SO!! I got my first box of chocolate goodies. Ran like no tomorrow to the teacher staff rooms. Sold my box within that break and got my second. Next day I went to the remaining staff rooms in the hopes for second time buyers then moved to the student market. The favourite was the freddos and funny enough the caramellos were the favourite choice despite not technically being a freddo. The most pain in the arse chocolate to sell was the mint. Holy crap they were delicious but for some reason not many people shared that opinion. However there was one teacher who loved them so she was easy prey. My second and third (I think) boxes had been depleted. Onto my forth. The next day or two I sold that with ease. I then thought to grab 3 boxes. This was the first time I got the variety pack (bars instead of freddos) which was a bitch to sell. Got it sold anyways along with the other 2. I then got my eighth and it appeared to be the last box left out of the 100 the school purchased. So I sold that again with ease and had to wait for aggeess until another 50 came through. As soon as they came in, I got 4. That's right FOUR. My mum helped me sell one and a half boxes of it. The rest I sold through conventional means. I then got the last box of chocolates yet again labling it at 14 boxes of chocolates sold. The second highest was 7 which was one of my best mates from primary school. I got pulled out of a test and actually got a FREE TICKET TO THE FORMAL COURTESY OF THE PRINCIPLE. I did feel bad for my mate because he was the one who brought it up with the administration. So that was a huge highlight.
Other mishaps did occur that year with my friends girlfriend deciding to run her mouth off but that was solved quickly thanks to the bros before hoes, me and my friend got on.
(Following written on 12/4/13)
Preparation for formal went rather smoothly in the end. I was a prefect as well this year and the meetings went smoothly. Fun was had and events were well organised. At the end of the year things were going downhill in regards to communication but it all worked out in the end. There was one... just one major conflict the prefects had in their last meeting and that was the choice of free dress to graduation. Best meeting ever. Now I've ranted on quite a bit so back into the time machine was the Talent Quest where me, my cousin and 2 mates rein-acted popular videos on youtube. (wasn't met with high praise from two people but they're pretty uptight about everything regardless). It went very well! And the whole show was amazingly done, we even had a prefect act that was well choreographed. I also dumped shredded paper on the hosts head at the end of the night (which got recorded on camera!) 

So from this point I think I will cease adding any more as at this point my blog parts start making coherent sense enough to read. Past posts can be found in the navigation menus on the right if viewing from a PC.