Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.


This is where I put random bits of information relating to anything.

For hot topics check these links:
Self esteem
Beginners guide to Facebook
Things to know about Drinking
Things to know about Planning Events

Archival records

Pen names:

High School regulars:

Flirtatious 5:
The Model


Tafe crew:
Mr Spa Guy
Mr 2.0


Hiatus people:
Sexy Peace


How I met such people!

Fudge - Met during 2010 when my group was exiled from our previous spot due to some low graders taking the spot and being the host to many unwanted fights causing attention. We ended up with a group of others in which Fudge was among them. Eventually he split with that group to go with another.

Tandy - Same as above

Utamin - Met during the cartooning class of 2008. A mate and I are claiming stakes on being his first friends. We did a poster together and his skills at photoshop then were remarkable!

Woosh - Met in 2009 on the way home as we talked about the origins of life itself.

Flirtatious 5 (all met during 2013):

The Model - Met at Cuddles and Sirens first house party. She dressed in a rad oriental outfit which to this day re-iterates how she could be a samurai.

Siren - During early 2013 a man pulled a gun out causing most of the city to be evacuated (shock horror!) and Siren was amongst them. Cuddles mentioned that she has a twin sister and my first thoughts were that there were two Cuddles in the world. How wrong I was about that. We circled the entire city to reach her and when we did I was like "So.... where the sister?" only to realise the tall un-identical display of womanly perfection was in fact... her.

Cuddles - Met when our small groups integrated together during the early events at tafe. She was the more outgoing of us all in the beginning and had my favourite hair styles (for girls that is). She was like the alternative womanly input to our group discussions as well as the most outgoing of us.

Swift - Met the same time as The Model. She came to the party as a punk and boy was that a first impression! Took us a bit to realise she was the complete opposite and it was also the only time I've seen her with different coloured hair.

Kaykayles - Met same as above. She was probably the craziest out of the 5. When I first met her she was the most photogenic out of everyone at the party always requesting my camera or being in such photos.


Sonzilla - Met during after school care then after a few years met again when he moved in up the street. We used to play battleships only we'd screw around with it.

Cousie - I don't think my memory can recall the events of when I was 2 years old.

Tafe crew:

Mr Spa Guy - On the first day of tafe he approached me wondering where the classroom, I simply led him to where we had to go then we went through formal introduction.

Jeff - Continuing from above, the other guy sitting next to Mr Spa Guy was Jeff. He was very silent and we gave the assumption that he was head deep in the work because he looked asian so we consulted him at times about some things we didn't get. It was then on that Jeff, Mr Spa Guy and I became the tafe trio. He's also a Fuk Duk

Dominator- He came to us a week later and randomly sat with us. The End.


Mr 2.0

Sexy Peace

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