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Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, November 20, 2023


Another year down

Since last I posted it's been an interesting year to boot.
We begin as far as I can recall at this point and what ever is in my calendar (almost like I write these for a reason). According to it I went to Supanova which is kind of like a convention for a wide range of nerds lets put it, that's about the only way I can pair avid pop culture lovers and the niche and/or degenerate crowds. A highlight would be spending way too much money and getting a photo with Karl Urban. I feel that would be a gateway into getting photos with other celebs but I'm managing to stave that thought off. 

The next event of note would be seeing comedian Mark Normand which was definitely worth while especially when my only exposure to him prior was one clip on Facebook. 

The weekend after was a beach camping trip and oh boy was that an amazing experience. Glad to say I packed correctly and never ran into any hurdles which was nice. 

We fast forward to about September. Had a birthday party with an old university friend which was a great catch up. Also it's not often having a sausage sizzle with oven cooked sausages.

One fun thing about taking care of a house and incurring the bills and costs associated with it would be the maintenance. One such example was having a leak sprung on an outside pipe due to a tree being above it and its roots eventually piercing it causing a whopping $460 water bill and a $1,000 plumber fee in which we had to call back as another leak sprung but thankfully it was covered by warranty. Now to figure out how to deal with the house sinking. 

The final point I'll address for the year would be my trip to Thailand. Last I was there I went to Phuket and spent 8 days there and drained my money exceptionally quick before seeing the family. This time I decided to go to Pattaya for half the time before seeing the family and safe to say I should have swapped it all around because Pattaya was leagues better than Phuket and a hell of a lot cheaper. The family time was nice too being able to see the parents new house and attend a cousins birthday party. I finally after so many damn years figured out how to play the card game my mother would play with her friends. It's literally just go fish without asking for cards and instead of doubles it's triples. A bastardisation of the game but you get the jist. Over all it was a solid experience and keen to do the same some time soon. 

We're pretty much up to date, I'll hopefully get another post up for the sake of my failing memory.

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