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Sunday, November 28, 2021


A New Era

It's an interesting season and the beginning of what I would consider a new chapter in the saga of life. To get this out of the way first I'll have to go through recent events.
From as far as I can remember from the last post to now personal and social life have been stock standard up until this point, work 1 is grueling and terrible as usual and work 2 is great and forthcoming with amazing co-workers. Events that I can recall would be a few parties that turned out to be really fun though one party I had an information overload so I thought maybe vodka would dull the overload, spoilers, it didn't.
The next day was another party with someone we hadn't actually spoken to in 3 years. Originally we were thinking of not bothering but eventually figured that we (Fudge and I) would make an appearance as he made one for ours. It was awkward at first as we barely knew anyone and by about an hour in I noticed some people (this was a Halloween theme party fyi) dressed in dress shirts with fake guns in holsters and I had came as a school shooter so I figured I'd approach and ask about it but it turned out to be a light ice breaker as we were quickly introduced and eventually stuck around. It was between him and this other girl to which Fudge made quick work of. We then got invited to another party a week later at the guys place where we met more people and it just snowballed from there. All because we decided to rock up and then happen to be wearing costumes that have fake guns and were just at the right place at the right time and met the right people. Insane.

My birthday soon rolled around and that proved to be relatively successful, I had 3 events in which I went to a darts bar then 2 games nights at mine. The second games night was definitely better than the first and it was such a great gamble bringing so many different people together that managed to get along swimmingly though there was definitely more room for improvement. 

Now comes the drama. In the last 3 weeks alone I have heard about 4 breakups and 1 divorce. What the fuck.
1st breakup was because the woman in the relationship is unable to put herself in another persons shoes let alone take criticism.
2nd breakup was because of a stubborn guy and a mentally inefficient girl.
3rd I'm not too sure but I assume it was due to too many heated disagreements.
4th was weird... like I feel it was because one was soul searching and the other had the outward appearance of being cool with it but wasn't? I'm not too privy on the details but I'm not going to pry in order to keep what's left of my sanity in check.
The Divorce was another case of slight mental personality instability clashing with a settled and mature mind. 

A lot to process.
Thus my belief that I am entering a new chaotic era, managing to reconnect with some but distancing with others. Don't know what the future is going to bring but it's not as bright as I once imagined. I don't know what to do next like yeah I like my job but it isn't stable in the slightest and the full time positions are a bit dicey. Who knows, though at the age of 26 I would hope I get my ass into gear.

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