Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Infrequent update number ???

Life has been all well and good as it can be for the past 6 months, the pandemic is slowing down in my neck of the woods so events are beginning to unfold again. Regular routine of working in the first part of the week, hanging out with a mate on Thursday then games on Friday before a weekend of whatever happens. Been camping which was nice as well as a few trips to the country. 

Had a Halloween themed party at Fudge's place and it was really really fun, almost could taste the 18 year old spirit which was a good breath of fresh air. Tonight I went to some indie concert thing which was alright though it was a good hang out. 

Personally things are ok, the pressure of getting a full time job is weighing on me more and more which isn't a pleasant feeling. Romantically obviously it's at a stand still as usual though I'm feeling my criteria is getting more complex at time goes on which I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing.

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