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Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Time Mr Freeman?

I'm stuck between the acceptance rock and the uncomfortable hard place. On one side I need to accept the reality that people are always inherently busy which is normal and makes a lot of sense seeing as of the 7 days of the week, about 5 are taken up by employment leaving little time left to hobbies and in some circumstances relationships. At the same time it's annoying and incredibly frustrating having to schedule things so far in advance but that's it, it's just... normal. This is the way things are. One example is a High School friend group who would once meet up about once a month. We literally listed weekend after weekend until we found one TEN WEEKS AWAY. But that's normal. One friend made the point of his schedule, employment, physical exercise, leisure time, meal time all interlaced with having a girlfriend and if in the rare occasion time permits, friendship gatherings which has become rare. Before I was cool with it as I too juggled between people though always putting him on priority but it's hit that point where once he had a night allocated to friends no longer exists as the relationship has taken more time combined with a newly found hobby interest. Again... it's normal and I should be fine with that and literally as I type this sentence my teeth are gritted as I am attempting to accept that this is the way things are and that it's... normal. Re-reading that I need to stress I'm not self adsorbed or a sociopath (I think?) believing that I should take priority in someone else's life which is far from the truth. People are free to their choices, the point I'm trying to stress is that I'm angry but not at anyone or anything, I'm just mad about how society has progressed and what it deems to be normal. Maybe a small sliver of me is worried about being tossed aside, wouldn't be the first time but to be fair I've done the same. I don't feel I've explained the point fully or well, I guess what I'm trying to say is... hmm... I can't think of an appropriate metaphor. I really don't know how to explain it, part of me wants to say "Hey, don't treat your friends as less than family and spouse" but it just sounds wrong whilst the other says "Put family and spouse first" but it just sounds off and degrading to friends.

I think I'll try to tackle this another time.

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