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Tuesday, September 25, 2018


It's been a while... again.

The very sparse posts is mainly just because yeah sure interesting things have happened but it's really up to that point where it's not overly worth remembering and as such putting down on paper (well here). Not to discount them as boring or dull. Many parties have come and gone but it's the usual same formula; arrival, games, sit somewhere, talk, talk some more, go home, sleep. The talking aspect may herald some interesting tidbits of information but nothing overly worth making a fuss over.

So I managed to snag part time instead of casual and do three overnights a week which is very nice

Doing 1 more subject with a 2,500 word essay that I haven't started which is due in 2 weeks so that's something I guess

Friends are still friends nothing new there. Still seeing roughly the same people though I have significantly decreased the friendship pool. I don't really see the first or second cruise people anymore, I don't see a lot of old work colleagues and some people here and there though I'm not overly phased except for one person that sort of gives me the shits. She complains about lack of friendship then when she gets more friends she forgets her roots so that's sort of annoying but I'm not in a position where I want to care as I got enough going on as it is. The old tafe crew I spose I still talk to on occasion but distance is a problem. If they ever come up and I ever go down we're still chummy as if no time has past and that's something I really can value about those people.
The boys are still the boys
The work crew are still the work crew
The tafe movie crew is still going strong with a movie a week
And everything around and in between is as it should be
Oddly enough I still talk and see a few uni people though one in particular I talk on a daily basis which is interesting as that hasn't really happened in a very long time though technically there is only one other person that does so, though it's usually an exchange of memes and dirty pictures which I do not mind at all. But yeah it's just weird having that kind of deal again and I don't mind it as we got that dynamic where a reply isn't expected to be instant and it's great. The topic matter is all over the place which is great and adds a lot towards the conversations to keep things lively.

None. Still.
You know that feeling when you feel you're catching feelings for someone? I fucking hate it and want to punch myself in the stomach every time I feel it. Though I've been running into some false positives so maybe it's 'me' getting desperate and just taking a liking to everyone I see or something who knows. Either way I gotta focus on me before focusing elsewhere.

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