Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Monday, October 30, 2017


Yeah I got no excuses this time.

So let us begin again with events.
From the top of my head the biggest things to come out of this year is obviously the people and events that spawn around them. Friendship groups remained relatively the same and no conflicts have occurred to my knowledge.

New attachments:
Though I did become closer with a group of co-workers which is good, though there was some drama as crushes were and have been developed between some of the members. I don't blame them to be honest though luckily it either died down, had been attended to or even worked out to be a full blown relationship so some good did come out of it all which makes me feel warm and fuzzy as the couple that got together has been shipped for eons and to this day have become number 1 in the "must stay together" category. Going off that for a bit and looking into the other members, its a big mix of race, ethnicity and interests. We're wildly different people yet we find ample common ground for an everlasting friendship which is nice. I haven't fully acclimatised to them yet, I slip up here and there as the ticks with these people is to use simplistic language and convey intention using as little words as possible. Another tick is having to reduce sexual demeanour which is severely disappointing on my end cause that's my favourite thing to do to rile up humorous conversation. Other than that I don't see myself developing any intimate feelings for any of them which would probably be best for everyone despite them being rather attractive. I feel things with that group are stable and hoping it will stay that way. One last point to mention is that we go out for varying group activities which is a welcome change.

Old attachments:
Everything with the crew of bois is still the same except that most of them live together as the parent of the brothers moved out allowing for space to have people move in so it's great being able to see them all in one place, though the downside is that their working schedules are vastly different meaning all four of them aren't usually in the house at the same time. One thing to mention is that the brothers now have girlfriends again as much of a dull shock it is considering the relative ease in finding female compatriots for them however this situation is vastly interesting and different. The girlfriends are both underage. One thing I am ok with is the older sister and older brother, she's a little south of the border but that's alright to me. The younger one who is a lot more south of the border though... not so much though the kicker is that the brothers are with the sisters, so if they were to have children I guess that would make them double uncles, double cousins, Brother in law and in blood etc. It's a weird thing to grasp but funnily enough it's nearly happened before in the past though the age was similar in that case. So yeah it's... odd but I don't really care so much so long as they're happy. Oh and the sisters actually have a functioning family with undivorsed parents living in the lower upper class. A vastly welcome change.

Many events have gone down. I hosted a party though it was really civil and tame with a few things not going my way such as the music being quiet and the lights not working. My idea for bucket beer pong went ok except that my friends wrecked a lot of the buckets which is something I'm still coming to terms with as to whether I go out of my way to do something different only to have them ruin it. Other than that point of contention everything went fine and people got along with each other. The mess wasn't so bad either.

The next thing was a day out on the country with a lot of guns. Probably one of my all time favourite days of the year as a few of us went out into this large lot of land that by law we were allowed to discharge firearms on! I unloaded so many bullets that day and it was glorious to have so much freedom unlike the shooting ranges. Would do again out of 10.

Saw a lot of movies this year, nearly every week I'd go to the cinema with the tafe buddies. Blade Runner 2049 and Thor Ragnorok had to be my all time favourites for the year. I did end up booking a Gold Class Cinema for the midnight screening of Star Wars Episode VIII which I am incredibly keen for!

Other than that, it's just been small gatherings to certain places here and there.

Life rants:
I was ready to write about the prospect of how people can't seem to understand that you can go through life without having kids. It's not an essential part of life that needs to happen and by far it is the biggest financial sink you can do. Ever wonder why poor people have more kids than rich people? Gee I wonder. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with people having kids but same with religion, don't fucking shove it down throats. One other thing that may be just me going against a biological and societal norm is that when a mother conceives a child, some sort of chemical reaction occurs in the brain that elevates their happiness as they believe to be at the epitome of life by creating life itself. That is fine and normal, however when it mixes with modern technology that's when shit gets rather... annoying. I know I've ranted about this in the past but it's becoming more and more prevalent by the day. If you have to post every. fucking. day about how many weeks left and a timelapse of the baby bump, I'm going to tear my hair out. Next thing: If you have kids before becoming financially stable and no plan on becoming so, go fuck yourself.
If you have kids after proper planning and deliberation, I will openly congratulate you and wish you a good well being.
If you were under some unforeseen circumstance beyond your control that resulted in a pregnancy, you have my sympathies.
You can't just have kids and expect everyone to suddenly go "Oh wow! Congratulations!". Kids can be compared to dead people. Once someone dies, the only things we want to remember about them is the good times and good things they've done, no one bats an eye about the terrible shit that went on. Kids have a similar effect, despite all the bad shit going on around them, just because it's the creation of new life we just forget about anything else and blindly offer gratitude. "But Owen, you don't know what it feels like to have children, you don't understand", Yeah, I don't have children cause I'm not a fucking idiot who brings life into the world without a plan for its future. I don't need to understand the feeling to know that logically it's a stupid idea. That's like saying "You've never had sex, how would you know it's a bad thing till you try it." Sex comes under the same umbrella. People save face and say its the best thing ever when in reality it can be a pain in the ass as so many problems arise. "You don't know something until you try it". Ok let me shoot up a school, I need to know what it's like. Bottom line is that people think irrationally when it comes to any biological imperative we face such as conception, children and death. It becomes a taboo topic that needs to be addressed.
Now originally I wasn't going to go on about this but here we are.

Nothing new on that front and it will stay that way. Though I did try in vain to get one uni girl to come see Star Wars with me but I think I might just take her out to see it another time.

Worldly possessions:
I am getting a paintball gun! It only took me 3 months to get the permit and another month to get the bloody thing.

Closing remarks:
I know for a fact that I will still be posting on this blog but I can't say how often as I seem to have devalued time, I guess I can blame university for that. I should make an effort to document good times though with the shadow of life being overcasted on it, it's difficult to get a grasp on the important things. Overall, I hope that things will get better and with that will come more posts but I guess we'll have to see.

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