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Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, July 4, 2016


Happy murica day cool cool no one cares.

So! What has been happening lately, well for starters it's been a lot of work, Game of Thrones finale and a baby shower oddly enough. I was meant to be paintballing on Tuesday but I think I'll pull the plug on that one. Work is work, nothing new though I got a few tax problems that I have to bloody email about so that will be fun. The baby shower was a bit unexpected, one of my old high school mates invited me to it. I was the only non family member there so it was a tad bit uncomfortable but fun none-the-less. 

There was a federal election on recently and it looks like the party I voted for may actually win. It's real tight so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

Now there is two things that happened in my social life and that was the re-surfacing of a girl I haven't spoken to in a long time who had a lot of similar interests which tickled my fancy. I'm over her but boy does she look amazing. 

The next thing is this girl at work...
She's confusing. But that kind of flirty confusing sorta thing. I'm not sure if she's aware of what she's doing or if she's hinting at something (hopeful wishing) considering her last interests were tanned big fob blokes. Yeah it's probably nothing. Just wishful thinking but man, she's so dreamy but some what unobtainable. Oh welllll this is probably my mind running amok as usual from lack of contact with the opposite sex unless in big groups. 

Now that I think of it, I don't have any girls I talk to on a regular basis anymore. Back in the day I could spill all my unfiltered thoughts out and they would also do the same. These days most of the stuff I say has so many filters on it and when I slowly turn them off something happens that makes me switch them back on and then some. As much as I say I miss those days, in a way it's my fault as I'm just not actively on messenger as I'm usually just either playing a game, watching a movie or screwing around on something. I haven't really just sat down and devoted myself (unless the group chats are lit with activity then yeah I'll devote my time to it) but never have I just sat and talked to 5 people at once or had a lengthy chat one to one. 

Again. Oh well. 

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