Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


First time blogging from my new screen!

Despite having it for a few months I've always been blogging from my phone. So what has passed?
Quite a bit actually and seeing as no one I know closely reads this I might as well share my semi-unfiltered experiences, reasoning and thoughts.

It's been social event after social event which has been nice but I do like my alone time here and there. It began with my cousies mates birthday which was pretty nice to be at as he has some fucking hot friends like geezus crisps mate they were to drool for. Apparently he has a whole arsenal of them to which he has screwed a great many of. I never thought I'd meet a serial manwhore again but I was wrong.

The next day was a chill sleep in then a party of Mr Spa Guys best friend to which I had only met once prior. He is probably one of the most friendliest people I have ever met and the friends he had (which I knew none of) were easy to get along with, especially when you introduce yourself as an alcoholic and member of the Pokemon GO fanatics. His Dad was definitely an interesting character too which pepped up the night a lot.

Then came Sunday. It began with a sprint to the train station and a long train ride home, though I was tempted to stay and join the Pokemon festivities at South Bank I figured a shower and relaxation would do me a lot better. I was also cast as an extra in a High School Drama in which the scene involved the two main characters finding solace amongst themselves in private at a crowded party. Luckily I got put next to the fridge but unbeknownst to me they were actually kissing right behind me with myself in frame. The more you know! So what did I do in the background? I drank vodka then took a watermelon out of the fridge. Fun stuff, I think I should become a full time extra with the amount of extra roles I've been in. So the night itself involved yet again, meeting new people though this time it was a bit different...
So I met these two girls who are hoping to be actresses themselves only I realised a very very startling fact about them. One is 14 and the other is 15 years old. Holy. Shit. WHY DIDN'T GIRLS LOOK LIKE THAT WHEN I WAS 14!? However with the more film projects that I land myself into the more I hope to build more connections to a point where maybe one day I will be able to have a fully functioning film session.

This week has been an interesting one as I spent three nights playing pokemon and going to all ends of the map to do so as well as reconnecting with a few people as well as paying for a tank of fuel for the first time in my life (and it only costed me $30). Had a friend get her P plates as well so we went to a few places and picked up some mates on the way for one big reconnection session in the tops of lookouts to the sitting area of Red Rooster.

Now Friday was an interesting one and seeing as the trust truce as been semi broken I suppose I can have a bit more information written here. It all began as a joke about someone which then turned into an all out mock date night sort of thing. Essentially this girl me and Fudge know hasn't been on optimal dates to which we (more like he) offered to take her on a better one (with me as well for some reason) and it turned out to be pretty good as we got Chinese takeaway and went to a lookout to eat. We then went back to my place and drank a bit then talked a lot. Like a lot. The rest of the squad wasn't all that impressed about our absence from routine Friday night squad based activities which was an absolute mess to clean up.

Saturday then dawned upon me and party preparations were put into place. It did start to rain however luckily enough for me it turned out to be a good thing as everyone managed to fit into the garage and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I had about 30 people which seemed to be perfect and no one misbehaved, no damages and the garden completely untrampled! It was probably the best party I have ever hosted as for the first time I felt completely at ease the whole time!

Today was a relatively short clean up, a nice lunch then a Pokemon session. With a week remaining until University begins I do intend on making the most of this week.

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