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Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Time to talk about celibacy or at least the no sex part of it.

So I've known people who have said "I'm not going to have sex before marriage!" then become filthy sluts. Now I have nothing against sluts unless they're arrogant and boast. But I find the concept of no sex to be an interesting one. Has a hormonal teenager it's a pain in the arse trying to keep sexual thought to a minimum and yet women had no problem or at least visably. Now the tides have turned and I'm hearing of men who are successfully staving off their horny girlfriends and it scares me to know that people can control their urges. At least it looks like they can, I really can't be sure. 

I always thought that humanities next evolutionary step is to see sex as a purpose than a pleasure. That culture wouldn't revolve around it but it's something I'll never see in my life time and I'm perfectly content with that. Right now I'm happy to embrace our barbaric desire and it goes against what I've always said about the sub conscious taking control but as the years go on I have to admit this fight is an uphill battle.
Fighting with my own biology is damn near impossible with the influences I have around me. If I lived in the mountains as a monk then I think it would be achievable but where I live, sex is everything. As advanced as we are, we still fuck like rabbits. 

One thing I wish to rid society of is the boasting. Like fuck off. Even though we see women getting lots of sex to be negative because it's easy for them (even the fattest and ugliest of women still get a lot of action). For men it's a bit more challenging or so I thought. These days I don't discriminate, if you boast about how much better you are because you've had tonnes of sex, I'm judging you. I'm judging you hard as I stand there knowing that my life will always be better than that of the boaster. But apparently society seems to think that being in a middle class family that's undivorced and stable, living in a bought house not paying rent with a part time job, tertiary education, no deformities or illnesses and plenty of friends is nothing compared to someone who has had lots of sex. 

What a world we live in. 

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