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Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Sex, money but not so much drugs and rock n roll.

Been a bland couple of weeks with work taking up a sizable portion of time as well as end of semester uni assignments creeping up. A sizable income is flooding in at least and with said money I bought a new monitor so I can play xbox again as well as having a good resolution and peace of mind that this will last more than 3 years (a quick google tells me it will be a good 10 - 20 years). Plus that bug on the screen will plague me no more. 

So why bring up sex? Recently two co-workers of mine were arguing about what kinds of music would get them laid. This is a 27 year old vs a 19 year old. The 27er (with ample sexual experience) said backstreet boys where as the 19er (with moderate sexual experience though the women have been rated below 4 in the track record) said Disney songs. The thing that got me thinking wasn't how stupid the topic of music getting people laid but of the arrogance people can have when they perceive themselves to be sexually active. 

I've known people who would have sex with anything that has a fucking hole. Even the most disgusting or ghastly of women (I'm talking generally in all aspects of looks and personality) and continually boast about their supposed achievements. The comeback "least I have more sex than you" seems to come up a lot (I especially hate it when women say this) to which the retort would be "sex isn't everything" which in itself is a slight lie as biologically speaking our purpose in life is to procreate. So how do you retort to this scenario? You could say that you find a preference in accumulating wealth than going after women and this can go one if two ways. Either they dismiss money being important compared to sex or they would acknowledge your decision but claim that both can be done at the same time. 

Also noticed that lower classes breed like rabbits compared to the other classes so this is what can be used to my advantage. Same with STDs. 

So that's my ramble about sex boasting if it made any sense at all. 

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