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Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, April 11, 2016



So I had the mass party the other day which turned out to be a success when it came to numbers to which there was around 60 people in which was an even split between male and female which was an intended effect to which I was hoping to see made possible. In the end what mattered was to be around people I like and tolerate. Though again the party was dominated by co-workers it wasn't too bad as the cruise crew managed to mingle successfully and the high school crew mixed a bit. The tafe crew had difficulty but managed in the end. All in all I was happy that there were games played and the dance floor was actually utilised. It was also good to see some people I hadn't seen in a good while to which was lovely. One of the guys that came from my high school brought along his girlfriend to which I was very surprised as for one her Double Es were protruding and protruding proudly but she was also so outgoing that she mixed with a great amount of people. Speaking of mixing, it was very enlightening to see the work crew split into four groups so it was interesting to see where everyone's loyalties lay.

Then came the shit things. Other than spilt drinks in the house, the dirty shoes entering my home, the rubbish piled everywhere, the broken garden everyone wanted to step in as well as the smokers and druggos attempting to smoke in my premises.This was a lot worse, one of the people I invited just for a joke turned into one of the biggest backfires in the history of my parties. First it appeared that she had injured her arm so we called an ambulance to which we were treated as low priority then out of no where she got up and started wailing at this other guy at the party so we cancelled the ambulance and called the police instead! We had to hold her down to which she was kicking and screaming for a good two hours! Then she calmed the fuck down after a few false alarms. Then her fuckhead friends to which two of them were gatecrashers decided to keep everyone awake with their loud talking outside. Eventually the police came and they fucked off but the girl then went skitzso infront of them to which they were taken away in the back of their car.

I then realised I couldn't get any sleep as it was five in the morning so instead I just started cleaning. That day was a smooth ride, we managed to dump most of the evidence of the large party straight into the tip rather than overfilling the recycling bin. Had lunch then I just sat back and relaxed.

So all in all money wise for some reason I had spent about $250. $80 on party supplies then a good portion on food then about $80 on cards (I haven't bought cards in ages and I'm getting $400 from work). So yeah lovely weekend. As to whether I'll have another party is very very questionable. I think next time I'm going to maybe have a work only party to which I invite one of the groups. Who knows, that's some thought for another day but all in all the party was great overall.

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