Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Bit of a mixed one this is.

So my learner license expires tomorrow so talk about last minute renewals! Definitely will be rushing to get that sorted tomorrow!

Next thing would be the abundance of shifts this week that equals to a pretty good amount of pay coming my way. 

The highlight of today would be the study session at uni with kooky and alcho. Learnt a lot about each other. Who knew 12DDs could be on such a lean figure like kookys but that's just how it is really. 
Why i bring this up? Men have always wanted to find some sort of system that would be universal towards both women and men so that breast sizes could be a clear concise topic of conversation. The only problem is that size is determined by both body and breast size/shape making the system wildly inaccurate when it comes to properly comparing between one girl and another. We used to rate them between 1 and 10 but boobs are incredably complicated to just be rated a simple number. One day a proper system will be made. One day.

But back to the study session, i managed to get 250 words out of 2000 written with 5 days left to go. Yay. 

Tomorrow is a movie day watching London has fallen with Dominator and Jeff. 

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