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Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Sunday, March 20, 2016



The days were to be expected other than my loss of about $100 within a weekend. Food, food and more food plus replacement cabling for my phone and niknaks as well. Lovely.

Past experiences involve a bit on the drink but not too much. Learnt a lot about one of my co-workers who showed up. Not quite sure what she sees in me but it's nothing extravagant I assure you, probably have to watch out a bit and ensure I don't get roped. One peculiar thing was I saw May for 3 consecutive days so it was nice to catch up though unfortunately she's one of those rare specimens that is into a lot of stereotypical guy stuff like cars, games and girls. However! She dresses like a girl, acts like a girl, is a girl and a good solid 7.8/10. So why the visual and personal description? I just put the spitting image of a girl that most guys would desire and that is where this short tale will take us. I jokingly always ask how long the line is to access her to which she responds in either "none" or a smirk.

I wasn't joking, there was at a time (unclear now-a-days though) a long queue formed to reach her though as cruel as life is, she was after another that wasn't in said line. As a particular manager said once before "She's not 'that' good looking, like not ugly but everyone just sees her interests which boosts her rating" to which I suppose I sort of agree with in relation to the calibre of men that have pursued her. Surprisingly though it's the ones that go for her purely by ease of conversation and looks that have succeeded rather than those that appeal to common interest. How fascinating! The party in 3 weeks will be a very interesting observation on what occurs next.

Other than that, I have a uni break next week which will be spent on 2 assignments so lovely! This week is a normal week of uni so I need to step up the game so I don't panic too much when it comes to crunch time. And the 9/10 awaits on Thursday... if she makes it...

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