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MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, March 14, 2016


Time for a rant.

I may have mentioned of this particular person before in the past, someone who has a way of really aggravating me and as such done it again. As much as I really want to say this right into her face she'll probably misconstrue my words or cause a tantrum. Such incidents in the past include my stabs of dark humour that always fucking offends her and another member of our crew goes through the same thing so I guess I know how he feels. Many others I'm sure have gone through the same thing.

Everything she believes, she thinks is right and is what the majority of the population believes in when it's really the feminazi side of tumblr that no one listens to and for good reason. Whenever we hear something that comes out of her fucking mouth it's always a roll of the eyes. "It took him 12 hours to text me back", "He said he missed me at 10:30, he had all day to text me that", "I only get to see him 3 times a week, I want to be with him whenever I can". There are people out there who only get to see their loved ones once a month, or even a year heaven forbid. But oh no! Don't let him socialise at a social event, just stick with him and seclude yourselves into a corner. This is why I hate it when people bring their companion and not bother to socialise. It's a PARTY NOT A FUCKING DATE. Speaking of which, when we say "no +1s" you're not excluded but nooo just so we don't have to put up with your fucking tantrums we allowed it, fucking child. When someone says a joke, what normal people do: simply not laugh or respectfully chuckle. What this bitch does: "That's not funny." which in turn kills the mood, the exact opposite reaction anyone fucking wants the selfish piece of shit.

Next thing to add is her argument style. How to have a legitimate have an argument: Here's my point and evidence, let' hear your version of the points and evidence and then compare and contrast so that we can come to an agreement or compromise then walk out of here as better people. How she has an argument: "uhhh no you're wrong" or "*an insult of some kind* followed by a long winded essay no ones listening to because it's riddled with insults and fallacies". Ever wonder why no one listens to long winded paragraphs? (a couple of others I know are guilty of this). Because you're essentially explaining what WE JUST DID or how it's wrong blah blah blah when we already know very well what we're stepping into. If you can't explain yourself within 1 to 2 sentences then don't even fucking bother. That and again, kills the mood the selfish bitch.

The last flaw in her fucked personality is that when she gets offended she forces an apology where as when she offends me, oh no, no ones cares at all. Know why? I SHOW DECORUM. I DON'T GO OUT OF MY WAY TO RUIN PEOPLES DAY JUST BECAUSE "I'M THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH AND EVERYONE SHOULD BE CONSIDERATE OF MY FUCKED UP BELIEFS". Another thing about apologies, want a sincere one? Convince them how what they did was wrong and when they come to realise it, they'll apologise. Want an insincere apology? Pressure them to fuel your ego. Egotistical bitch.

So what did I do this time? I made a joke about a picture she had posted where her head was in her boyfriends chest. She was probably expecting "naww how cute" or something to again, fuel her ego but instead was met with "lol you're giving him head" because there was a running joke about her boyfriend having a big dick but oh noooooo she had to get offended and started making accusations that I only see everything sexually. Joke. J-O-K-E. a simple ellipsis would have sufficed and the topic dropped but instead she had to stir a fuss because she didn't get her daily dose of ego for the morning.

I honestly wish I could have just never been her friend, even before the "offence" was made. She's always pissed me off but I never bothered to say a word. I used to think that perhaps more people were like her in the outside world and I was wrong. Dead wrong. She's just that slither of a minority that is like that, no one else I have met (and I have met a lot of people in my time) has an exact replication of everything she believes is right. Yeah sure other people can be clingy whilst others believe long winded essays actually persuade people. But to have all this compacted into one person that I have to be civil with as she's friends with some of mine is a whole new story.

So to conclude: I despise this person with a passion but have to put up with her.

So onto better things, went to the movies and saw Grimsby with Jeff and Dominator. Definitely a funny movie! It was also the first movie in which I nearly vomited and lost my appetite. Definitely a Sacha Baron Cohen film alright!!

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