Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Better get a move on

Alright. This ones a doosy. Let's begin! 
It all began on a Friday in which was to be my last day in Brisbane for a week. We celebrated the night at the pub to which the food was amazing. I was surprised that despite passing this pub on so many occasions it's taken 20 years to finally experience it.

Saturday morning in which I was awoken by my mother to get ready and do last minute packing as well as shave. I felt kind of bad leaving my mother behind as she just had an operation done to her eyes meaning she'd have to take eye drops every 3 - 4 hours. 

I was picked up and taken to the port by my old managers girlfriend who really knows how to aggressively drive! The check in process at the port was quick and easy. 

The ship is huge! To this day it's still taking me a while to adjust to the surroundings. The ports we visited were pretty nice except that it rained both times. I'll definitely need to travel back here by train some time to experience what I missed. Other highlights included a great comedy and magic show as well as the after dark dancing and bingo. A highlight would have to be getting kissed by a 9/10. Never forgetti, palms were sweaty. Another added bonis was me bringing uno cards as if I hadn't, we'd be bored as all hell at times. Food. Food is bloody good. 

The next stop was pleasant as I got to go to Cairns for the first time that I can consciously remember and it's a lot bigger than I thought but there was bogans, bottle shops, pubs and adult shops everywhere... Or at least in the street we ventured down on. Had KFC for lunch before heading back with rain spewing on us. The bus driver was having a hoot with the passengers which was fun to hear.

That night was the white themed night in which people wore white I guess for some reason. Our newly found friends had the ingenious idea of coming in bed sheets which was a pretty solid idea! There was a crazy amount of people (no 9/10 amongst them unfortunately) though the night went on pretty smoothly though the boys were nearly kicked out due to drunkeness. 

The next stop wasn't too far away and it was a nice quiet day for me. The others went on a shore tour while I sat in a lovely restaurant that have a killer aioli sauce. Caught up on a TV show before returning to the ship in the incredably rocky tender. The night was very turbulant as the ship is going against wind and the 'aftershock' of the Fiji cyclone. Wasn't feeling all that great but I still made the second comedy show (which was of course hilarious, he understands me! Yes the world is getting dumber, I could not agree more!) before going to the club (to which was quiet and my group decided to get some sleep instead). It was nice and quiet and I met this new girl and boy let me tell you she was full of surprises. I also met two other girls (one bring the same nationality as me!) and to my surprise it was really easy to pry personal information out of them despite just meeting. I hit the bed around 1 and slept in until 10 in the morning. 

The at sea days were the roughest (with no phone reception either). The day consisted of bingo and a spin on the roulette table to which I managed to win $50. The rest of the day was spent eating and chilling pretty much. That night though... that night was the night I was to be off chops drunk for the first time in the week. Turned out pretty good, muzzed like crazy, made out with that girl (who turns out she works in a brothel, is in an open relationship, got fingerbanged in an elevator and has been in a 20 person orgy. Full of surprises alright but I am quite alright with it). Rest of the night was spent traversing from place to place before settling in a hallway eating room service and playing cards. 

Next day was another chill day with one of our mates stuck in bed for the rest of the trip due to sea sickness. That night we said our goodbyes to everyone before going to bed around 3AM for a 6AM wake up call with a 7:30AM room boot out. Due to rough weather we had to dock in one of the cargo ports in the outskirts rather than the river. A short bus ferry back and a car ride before I was home sweet home. It felt good to be back though I did experience some dizzyness as the brain had to adjust to land again. 

Rest of the week was business as usual. 
Uni has now started and the pressures already on though I didn't mind some of the good lookers in the class! 

Nothing much I can think of in terms of future events but I may make a post about it tomorrow. 

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