Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Business as per usual

Boy oh boy it's been a hell of a money expenditure that I don't even want to think about until Wednesday. I decided to try out the Casino for the first time. Lost $50. I don't think I'll be returning for a long time. Went out to the clubs as well but for a Sunday everywhere was dead empty which was an interesting experience. Ended up watching movies with the uni crew and falling asleep on the couch. Right now I'm just conserving heavy amounts of money as work is beginning to slow down and I have no intention on doing any overnight shifts with my favourite manager going on holidays. The replacement has the tendency to stress me out and make my ears bleed with his shitty music. Nice guy and all but not someone I could bare for Five 8 hour shifts for 4 weeks.

On the feels side of life... Like... I don't even know. I know that emotions don't follow any form of mathematical logic but come on there has to be at least some sort of angle to go by. The girl I was on about before I had a lengthy conversation with but it seemed pretty empty so I don't think I'll be pursuing it any further. This other girl began talking to me though and she seems more like the party type which is freaken great! But I think I'll just lay back these holidays like I've done for as far as I can remember. Seeing as I don't have work often it's just going to be boring unless I can plan my holidays appropriately. I would exercise but in this heat? No bloody way.

Future endeavours include social gatherings and that's about it. I would love to go on a train ride to Cairns but I need a reason other than the sights as well as a place to stay so I am trying to get that organised but it's proving to be pretty hard at this point. While I wait I'll be playing lots and lots of games which I have spent arms and legs for so it better occupy the time.

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