Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


It's nearly wrap up time at uni with a lot of assessment soon to draw to a close. Social gatherings are at a high as most people are born at the end of the year. Many things planned in which I hope I can do.

My plans:
Work for 3 - 4 weeks straight (and earn at least $2,000)
Watch Star Wars Episode VII
Go to Cairns
Go to Melbourne
Multiple birthday parties
New years party
Go on a cruise

The three weeks of work is going to kill me. I don't really know if I can do a fourth but I guess I'll have to see. That and afterwards I'll be on staggered shifts so I'll need to plan my time accordingly.

On the feels side of life there has been this girl that's been in my classes since the beginning of the year that always has a way of catching my eye (Well on the first day she was wearing some... interestingly revealing attire). All year I didn't really say anything or give any sort of sliver of attention (as I usually do when my mind starts over thinking the situation). I then for the first time initiate conversation with her on the bus and managed to get a whole life story. Tough upbringing and busy schedule is the best way to sum it all up. Today she even smiled and waved at me at my lecture (she was sitting alone) but I chose to sit next to one of my mates out of respect for him considering he was sitting alone too. In class, in which there was only about 4 of us including myself, she sat next to me and again we conversed some more as if we've been speaking for ages. So why did I just write a big arse paragraph about this one girl I barely know? Because that bloody feeling is back. The feeling I haven't felt in 3 years. This is probably nothing but if experience has taught me anything, it's to act fast. Not too fast and not too slow but like hell am I going to let this opportunity slip. The chances of her being in any of my classes next semester? Near to none. I have nothing to lose. I have means, motive and opportunity.

But enough of that, I need to be off to work now.
Got to run away from zombies tomorrow and two gatherings on Saturday. Fun on the bun!

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