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Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, October 12, 2015


It's been a while and a hell of a lot of things have been occurring.

So despite these amazing events happening I failed to document them whilst they were fresh in my mind and I figured out why. Firefox removed my favourites and I forgot to put this blog into the quick links. So now that's been rectified, onwards!

The first notable thing has been the epic party that I had 9 months to plan. Though in the end I did do a lot of last minute running around, it was all well worth it. The day started off very great with me clearing the front yard and getting all the chairs set up (which, shock horror, there weren't enough but people proved to be resourceful). One of my mates from primary school happened to message me asking if we could hang out on the weekend and boy was his timing on point so I invited him over. Safe to say I think it wasn't such a bad idea as he got along with pretty much everyone! Next time I'm getting the embarrassing pictures out!
On the party essentials list, I bought some glow sticks to illuminate the bush path to get to my house and it was a real spectacle that! Only cost me $25. The Dark light tubes which I put into the ceiling light fixtures were $35 each so $70 for both and it made the garage look spunky as! I decided to not lock my house though I saw how that was a mistake considering the mess that was left afterwards (of course). The grouping was pretty standard, half were co-workers and the other half was everyone else. There was a bit of mingling but I suppose I should have intervened a bit more. Despite there being 60 people I didn't get time to sit down and chat with many of the people present which was disappointing but at least I got to get drunk and make a fool of myself. Can't wait to do it again.

An unexpected side effect of the party was gaining the attention of two of my neighbours in which I have never formally met before. The Asians across the road were quite stunned as they never see us having a party but they were pretty cool people. I also learnt that they have a daughter in high school to my surprise. That house always brings the best of people.
The next side effect was the Indigenous people a few houses up from me. One of my co-workers plus ones unintentionally brought them over and I was not quite so ok with it but they were nice (a little weird though). In the end many people went home early and late.

The next morning a lot of people jumped ship pretty early and the clean up process was absolutely hell. Took me a whole week to get it all back to normal, safe to say that my friends are forgetful, lazy or slobs but they're legendary forgetful lazy slobs so I forgive them on that. I ended up having a small gathering the week after in which 10 people showed up so it goes to show you the difference between 9 months and a week notice.

A week later began the beach runs. The first beach run was with co-workers and gosh oh jolly did the girls shine real damn bright. The only downside is that they're still in school. I'll need to write up about age in relationships some time. A great many people did get roasted by that sun so it was funny to watch. Afterwards we went and played pool which was reasonably fun. The second beach trip was with smaller numbers and it was alright. I sat on the beach reading and didn't bother going into the water that day.

The next event on the agenda would be the pirate coming up and visiting for the weekend. Actually now that I think about it there was a lot of people coming up to visit for  a singular weekend. First the pirate then Utamin then another mate from high school. Went to a gaming cafe with the pirate, chilled at Fudges for Utamin and had beers and Nandos with the high school mate. A long lost friend even resurfaced and we caught up today which was good. This time I didn't look at her with lustful intent which was also an added bonus (thank fuck).

The last thing would have to be my cousin and her boyfriends house warming party which turned into the first marriage proposal I've ever witnessed in person. Definitely took us all by surprise considering we were harbouring thoughts that it would never happen on the car ride over there! Boy were we wrong! House was great too, nice view and everything.

So thus bringing us to the feels side of life and what lies ahead. The feels side of life has been staying calm which is very welcome. No potential people I'd want to try with and I'm kind of happy that way. The future is a lot of gaming and a lot of assignments. That's pretty much it until November in which I need to plan my birthday and holidays accordingly. Only have a few notes down including a trip up to Cairns, camping, maybe Byron, maybe schoolies to be a toolie and the cruise in February. The next update will probably be next Sunday after the first of many parties (seeing as everyones pretty much born at the end of the year).

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