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Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, September 14, 2015


Politics, Refugees and everything else.

To start this post on a bit of a serious level and I suppose it's not something I usually talk about considering I try to ignore it the best I can but it always finds some way of getting back to me. So here in the glorious country/island/continent of Australia we too as democratic countries do have an elected leadership. For the last couple of years we'd vote for who we want in and they become Prime Minister. Apparently to people that means "oh glorious leader" when it just means their party gets majority of the seats in parliament and can be shut down by the true leaders of this country, the Senate. Whom we don't vote in. I think?

But that goes out the window when someone else in the party gets voted in and this has happened often apparently. It just happened again and the guy in charge is the same guy that condemned us to sub par internet for however long now. How great.

On the subject of Refugees however, the current right wing government had a policy to halt incoming refugees namely from Indonesia. Everyone was like "oh turn them away!" then when the Syrian refugees want to come over, that policy also applied to them then everyone's like "oh what the fuck man, let them in!". I raised the question to one the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay left wing protesters that constantly swarm my university and was met with a blank stare so yeah. Totally not racist we are and then we got the other people complaining about the job market and the funding that should be going into health and other medical facilities than refugees which I suppose I can understand seeing that I can't access a doctor right when I bloody need it and have to wait 4 - 6 days to get an appointment.
So the country isn't doing all that well but since when has it ever?

Anyway onto better things. I got my results back for one piece of assessment and hit a 68/100 which lifted the spirits quite a bit when it comes to university. Another thing as well is that MY PARTY IS INCOMING AT AN ALARMINGLY QUICK PACE! SO EXCITED!

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