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Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Monday, August 31, 2015


3 days spent in that chair. 3 whole days. Yet my assignments due today aren't finished. Holy shit it's hard to focus when you just don't want to do it then it's midnight and bam, words come streaming out like crazy. This really has to stop.

Onto other news, to those that believe women only go for looks, oh my oh my you are wrong. Been thinking back and realising that even those who are over weight, under weight or have strange physical conditions, they can rope in bitch after bitch and it's baffling trying to figure out how. I've only got a slight grasp on it but from what I can tell it takes a lot of trial and error. One of my mates used to struggle trying to get one girl. Now he's deciding between 4! FOUR. 
Another mate I used to know had a whole book filled with numbers and he could recite the story of how he got each and every one of them. It takes a certain charisma and perhaps attitude and style. Safe to say this world works in very mysterious ways. As to whether these guys will ever settle down is unknown though I don't see it happening. When it comes to that time I think it's going to be a struggle but that's just me. We all make it in the end I suppose.

Eager to find out how they go about it if I kept tabs with them when the time comes.

Bow onto those last minute uni assignments. Yay.

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