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Monday, August 17, 2015


So I offended some hippies today.

Ok. I understand everyone has different political beliefs but I absolutely cannot stand those who are on the extremes. In any democracy you have two ends of the spectrum. We call them wings. You have the left wing which is about the long term and helping others through welfare and job opportunities. The right wing deals with individual freedoms and the big picture from corporate sectors to financial policies. 

In laymen terms: 
Left wing = the little guys
Right wing = the big guys 

I see the wings to be a graph of sorts where you have 0 in the middle and 10 notches either side. I'm 3 notches to the left. These hippies were a solid 11 to the left. They preaching their rally to stop the government from allowing universities to charge what ever amount they wish thus causing debt for a good portion of the students life. I feel a bit etchy about it. If a University were to charge a ridiculous sum of money then that would discourage people and cause the government to be in massive debt from all the hex fees. In the end everyone loses (that's my take on it, I could be wrong). 

So back on point, these guys come into my lectures and preach about it which is fine and all but they come into every. Single. Lecture. Every. Day. 
One of my classmates got fed up and had a go at one of the campaigners in which she yelled profanities and stormed off. I'll admit he was a bit forward about it but the campaigner could have taken this opportunity to take the high road by acknowledging his comments and moving on thus maybe gaining the admiration of those within ear shot. But no. I just leant back and said "right on" in a joking way to ease the tension in the hall. Unfortunately the leader of the band of hippies took it the wrong way saying "I'm encouraging his behavior". They can't have a rally and expect 100% of the population to blindly accept what's being preached at them, of course you're going to get opposition! It's how they take the criticism and retort in a professional and humble manner. 

I think it's come to that point and a lot of people agree with me, that they're beginning to demotivate the vast majority of their target audience. I've been in a rally to lobby for a better internet service (fibre to the premises) with over 325,000 supporters but still lost. If it does or doesn't happen then so be it. The country is just getting worse by the day anyway. 

To end on a positive note, I've gotten a new found love for burgers. However my bank account is severely suffering! XD

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