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Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Saturday, August 15, 2015


Last couple of days have been interesting.

Went to work two days ago a bit early and on the computer they have out back, one of the employees had her monologue assignment up. Turns out she lost her original and had to make a new one... which was due the next day. I tried helping her out but apparently I couldn't grasp the story or the monologue rules. The thing that intrigued me was that the workd she created was one where sex is very casual. For example instead of asking a friend to the movies you ask if they want to "engage". So it's all fun and no game. A mans wet dream being envisioned by a 15 or 16 year old girl for a school assignment. Yeah I was getting weird vibes. 
The shift itself was standard as was the trip home at 2 in th morning.

Friday was the big one. Did some uni work and gamed before going out to nandos for dinner then attending a party for one of the uni friends. It was a pretty fun party and I met some pretty interesting people. The sleep was a funny one. I was half on an office chair and half in a bed. 

Today we just chilled and went shopping before I decided to head home. Tonight is a small gathering at a work mates place for his birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, I have heard of at least 8 people with birthdays today. This day has special powers. 

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