Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Thursday, July 23, 2015



Usually when this word is brought up it's usually me going on about how they're shit, unprogressive, sometimes demeaning and strange.
This time however I'll be going through the positives of such things and how it affects us and me. Mainly me. 

To begin! 
Public holidays! A constant reminder of where we are, what economic regime we're in and what religion has dominance in the country. But let's take it down several notches. The traditions that I didn't realise were traditions until I had one of those inspirational thoughts whilst doing what nature does with waste. 
Traditions of mine are usually centered around food and friends. For example after an overnight shift I order the same meal. Every time. 
When a mate of mine breaks up with yet another out of the library of girlfriends he's had he sends me assorted photographs out of spite. When I go see a movie with Jeff and Dominator we always have a big course meal. It's these kinds of things that keeps ourselves away from the daunting reality of constant change. But one thing I can agree on though is that it's not something to impose on people. Gawd I love food.   

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