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MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Taken 3 was great! 

It had nothing to do with the previous movies but it was still good. It was also nice catching up Jeff and Dominator. 

On an unrelated topic and in the feels side of life, I'd like to talk about virgins. In this society virginity simply means someone who hasn't had proper sex. Even if they've done everything else that doesn't involve sticking it in the baby maker. During high school, some saw it as a protective layer, some saw it as a status, some didn't care and others saw it as a curse. 

Now that high school is over it seems to be something that is revered but at the same time slightly frowned down upon for some reason. Apparently when a man still has his virginity it's seen as a weakness where as when a woman has her virginity she is seen as a goddess. A rarity. A treasure. A one in a million. 

It's this kind of thinking that inspires people to be child molesters. But moving on, another ulterior motive is that it removes the awkwardness normally associated with having inexperienced sex. That reason I can understand and respect. 

What does this have to do with anything? Mentioning your virginity as a girl = $$$$
Have fun!

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