Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Right. So much for the constant updates. 

Fortunately I kept a schedule to keep track of past and future events! 

It all started with a trip to a cruise buddies place. He recently managed to get a girlfriend who was also present at the cruise. This was something I really never saw coming and they seem happy enough together. I just hope that the guy has learnt from past mistakes and keeps her around for a long time. I got dropped off at the train station pretty late but thankfully there was a train going direct to my station waiting for me.

Afterwards has been work and my previous post shoukd do well to explain how that went. In between I managed to spent time with the cousie whilst getting some downloads done. I also caught up with a mate who was going back to his hometown. It's a shane he had to go so soon.

After the final shift I went immediately to bed only to wake up woth little time to spare before going bowling for Mr 2.0s 26th day of assembly (birthday). I didn't suck as much as I did the previous times. If I get the time I may go in again for some much needed practice. We then went to his place for post festivities which involved a lot of chatter and people being intoxicated. I personally didn't drink though but it was fun hearing stories from 24 - 26 year olds about their adventures.

Saturday turned out to be a hell of a night. It was Fudges little brothers birthday party out at the large property on the outskirts of town. I went hard out  on the drinking and socialising though there was drama like no tomorrow. Many people with problems about each other or other personal matters. Either way the birthday boy had fun (who wouldn't have fun when you have a jumping castle). Everyone crashed pretty early but as the unwritten code of partying goes: Start the party early, it'll end early. I eventually headed to bed only to be rudely awoken the next morning. I never like the morning after parties. It gets hot, you smell and feel grotty and it's just boring. The rest of the day was pretty laid back, I went over to Sirens to talk about the party as they left early before the juicy events occured (no girls made out this time). 

I stayed the night and woke up at 6AM to get home in time for my cousie to pick me up. In my haste I forgot to bring a spare camera battery to a promotional photoshoot. The hot rainy day consisted of getting some friends to act for an advertisement for the steam loco valentines day run. Safe to say the attire was spiffy and one of the girls had very... exposing personalities. Definitely kept us motivated. Throughout the shoot my battery died and it began to rain. We did manage to get everything done and the advertisement turned out well ( Oh and we also got a free lunch at the expense of the advertisers wallet and to his dismay we could have gotten those meals free. Good chicken parmo though!

The next two days were spent being anti social as I did need a bit of a break. 

Thursday was about to turn out the same but two days at home makes you go a bit insane so I took the next train out to anywhere. I decided to do some shopping before going to Sirens house. A relaxing night falling asleep to a movie. The next day she had to rush to work and I went home in the sweltering heat. On the way home Swift messaged wanting to go out that night and I of course agreed to.

After freshening up at home I went to her place. It was surprising to know that her mum was very supportive on the idea and encouraged us to drink! I wasn't complaining that's for sure! XD
We got dropped off quite early and wasn't sure whether we were in the right place or not. We then walked to one of Swifts friends place and he agreed to join us too. Once we got back to the club it was thriving with buttloads of people. I met new people, drank some drinks and danced hard on the floor. It was nice to have some attention from strangers but annoyed when their "best friends" came over to take them away. Sometimes I wish Cuddles rule applied to these people (Drunk Cuddles does what drunk Cuddles wants). Eventually as I usually do, I got bored and wanted to leave. Swift and this guy were sucking the life out of each other through mouth contact so it took a while before we finally left. After going to maccas we got to Swift mates (lets call him TieTie). They went for a swim but I wasn't feeling it and eventually I went to bed (or in my case floor). 

The next morning was pretty good, there was a little bit of a scare about a stabbing and TieTies twin not responding. He eventually did so it worked out. We then had breakfast with plenty of bacon before going home. A very inciteful talk with TieTies mum about virginity... It also doesn't help that she's a 7/10 *sigh*. 

3 hours later I'm at home freshening up for yet another party. More alcohol got consumed and more dancing was done. We even decided to get our breathe tested. I got 0.59 or 0.059 which ever one, so that was an interesting look into myself.

Once we were in the club I'll admit the music was a bit more slower paced than the other night and the drinks were more expensive but it was a lot bigger and had dancers with lit up LED bras in cages! After a while the trademark thing occured where i got bored but I was also falling asleep so I needed to leave ASAP. After the bus ride home it was a bliss sleep in the aircon room. I was again rudely awoken to go swimming and I again accepted. The pool was very warm and for once I wasn't a fan of that considering the heat. Had lunch then went to Sunnybank to catch up with some primary school friends.

I entered Asian central and already I see a car pull out of an intersection to the oncoming lane on a busy 6 lane road which was thankfully empty at the time! Instead of correcting his error by going into the correct lane he then reverses into the intersection and waits for the lights again. Once he drove past, big fucking surprise there were two Asians. Prior to this incedent I got a missed call from an unknown number. I call make saying "Hello, I got a call from this number?" And the asian on the otherside was like "hello? What number?" Then hangs up. 
I'm not having a good time with Asians lately. 

So funny enough I meet my Asian primary school friends XD
We watched the Last Naruto movie which was packed with feels. So many feels. It was nice seeing them again and I hope it doesn't take another few months to see them again. 

And that is everything. (Finally). 
More on life tomorrow.

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