Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Monday, December 1, 2014


Welll then

The earliest thing I can remember would be going to the Cinemas to see the third Hunger Games. I ended up buying too many beverages but it was an alright movie overall. The thing about these two parter movies is that it's a constant build up to no resolution. 

Afterwards we walked around, went to the city, got drinks and went to Sirens house. Funton and Swift.... My gawd.
I'll spare the details but long story short, i was pretty much having a ball of a time on my own. Definitely some things learnt from that experience. 

I ended up staying at Sirens most of the day until Woosh sent a plea to be social. We eventually complied and went to his house with Fudge awaiting us there. It was rather chill... especially the pool. I only got my feet in before I gave up and came out. Woosh was worried we would make too much noise and his parents would get mad. They did but we weren't around to witness it. I tried giving Fudge and Siren some time to themselves but that night felt very off and nothing seemed to come of it. Woosh was becoming rather emotional and claimed depression. After knowing Woosh for many years and being in contact with actual depression sufferers, it was definitely apparant that he did not have depression. Just a case of lonliness. 
We even went to Maccas and had a yarn and feed but that didn't seem to do much.

The next day Fudge and I went to Supanova whilst Siren and Woosh stayed behind. It's definitely a place I'd go to again except I need to save up way more money first as I drained through it like crazy. 

That night despite having Woosh, Fudge and Siren over it was rather boring. It also got me thinking about a few things but that's for a future rant. I got offered to go to Sirens that night but I needed my anti social time and I did miss home a bit.

Today was a good stay at home. Right now I'm heading to Mr 2.0s place for dinner then I don't know what's next.

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