Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Sunday, November 23, 2014



Yesterday was my 19th birthday party! I had around 25 people come over however some left and some came late so it wasn't a consistent 25. It was still a good sized gathering which I was fine with. Mainly everyone chatted, drank, chatted some more, danced and chatted even more. There was some pairing but it wasn't note worthy. I did manage to get the English 2012 crew together at least though I think I missed the photo opportunity...
Either way it was great to have everyone around and there wasn't much of a mess to clean up in the end! There was this one guy that passed out a great many times and was heavily drunk. A lot of feels sessions also occurred between a lot of people which was an eye opener. Eventually I went to bed around 3AM while a few stayed up.

Today began with a good chill session in the air con room with the other survivors followed by a maccas run. After everyone went home and I got the house cleaned I went with Fudge to his pool. The rest of the day was spent at home winding down. I really need the sleep tonight.

The rest of the week is pretty much a free for all as to what to do inbetween my work shifts as they got me doing the shifts that the kids at schoolies would usually do and I don't mind it as it's 3 - 4 hour shifts totalling up to 16 hours which is a fair amount but not as much money as I would get for 2 eight hour overnight shifts (as I get an additional 10% between 1AM - 5AM). Most of the shifts also have me working in the afternoon to night time meaning my Tuesday Siren night will be affected as well as other plans I may wish to do. Another future event that I would like to do other than the shooting range would have to be a trip to ice skating. It's just hard to find a good time that everyones free.

On the feels side of life I had a spark last night which ignited a flame that I haven't felt in a long time. It's gnawing at me and I'm trying to suppress it to no avail. I'll admit that last night I spent the sleeping duration cuddling and it's not the feeling of being romantically involved or sexually instigated but the feeling of not being alone. Sure I have sleepovers where I'm with mates or in the same bed but this is different. I don't have any romantic feelings and I am very sure of it as it was a path I've been on before in which I don't want to go down again. It's like going on the giant drop at Dreamworld. Once you've been on it, you have to wait the long queue before experiencing it again. I suppose I should treat this situation more like an indulgence than a necessity.

Other than that it looks like a smooth sailing week for the moment.

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