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Monday, November 21, 2016


That ripe age of 21.

Quite a bit has happened in the last few weeks, my birthday being one of them but so many others too. I wish I had banded together with these people when I was going through the annoying 17 phase. So from the top of my head what I can remember last was Uni finishing for the semester. Smashing out over 7000 words was one of the most annoyingly strenuous exercises of my life. The final 1000 word short answer essay was so incredibly annoying as my brain just wanted to shut down. Though I did manage to get through it all I managed to get very decent marks to my surprise. Unfortunately it didn't do so much to bring up the abysmal marks of the previous assessment which was a damn shame.

After uni was done it was trips out to the markets for dinner (an expensive one at that) and a lot of birthday parties. The first I went to was an 18th funnily enough. I only knew a handful of people at the party but it was enough to get by. It was a shame that Fudge had his ball and chain over (he'll never admit to it but he likes what he's getting so he becomes... civil when around her and other females). Speaking of which, there was this particular one there to which Fudge and I have had ample experience with the older sister. Said older sister had already had a child at the ripe age of 22 so any plans with her had become forfeit and the younger sister had definitely taken the cake. Those stereotypes of the younger sister being the hotter one? Fucking on point. It's like genetics just needs that extra chance to perfect itself. But off that, the party was decent though I didn't drink it was still enjoyable and social.

The next event that I can remember off the top of my head was my own 21st gathering. Unfortunately all my previous plans had fallen through, venues asking for way to much, venues causing the kick out to me too early or venues that disallowed alcohol consumption. The original idea for the boat was an absolute shipwreck as both options had very deep flaws. The train idea couldn't occur due to maintenance. So I just had a few mates over for some food which was decent. To be honest I found my 20th to be of more significance than my 21st. When you turn 20 you're out of the teens. When you turn 21, so what? You can drink in 15 more countries? yay? According to my author friend it has ties to ancient times in which societies back then would view 21 to be the ripe adult age which is kind of bull considering their life spans and the fact that 12 year olds already had kids. But oh well, either way it was nice.

The next party was a 21st of a high school buddy and it was very very enjoyable. So much preparation and thought went into it and it showed immensely. It was a Marvel themed party which added that much needed spice. I even saw a few people I hadn't seen in a very long time. Again I didn't drink that night as my ride home wanted to leave at midnight meaning I couldn't be too wasted off my face. Other than that it was nice catching up and funnily enough her mother and siblings got absolutely smashed and they're more the overly talking kinda drunks which was hilarious. (no sarcasm). Fudge even made some quips with the birthday girls fathers girlfriend which was much deserved! Even one of the guys there to which I had a significant DnM with made some funny remarks to the mother. So overall it was a solid party to which I would go to again for sure.

Before going into the feels side of things and going off the subject of parties, one thing that occurred at my household was one of the taps broke thus gushing so much water out it flooded the damn house. Weirdly though my brother and parents room were unaffected. My bloody room was drenched. I'm currently staying out in the spare room until the floor gets replaced with dreaded tiles. Don't know what my fathers obsession with tiles is.

Employment wise I have managed to get myself a good bulk of shifts so yes maybe I have been spending a bit recklessly. Got some new books, few games and titbits here and there.

On the feels side of life everything is fine, or so I thought until I had received a bit of a talk from a good mate of mine at the 21st party. He gave me a hefty ultimatum and pushed it off as if it was nothing. He had my best intentions at heart but it just felt really off in a sense like his advice was for me to slim down, shave my beard off and get into mainstream fashion (by mainstream I'm talking like the $50 - $250 clothing price ranges). That's all well and good but I explained that I have no such intentions on getting a girlfriend until my life is in order to which the retort was that it would be too late. I'M TWENTY FUCKING ONE YEARS OLD AND EVERYONE AROUND ME IS ALREADY HAVING KIDS AND GETTING MARRIED, MOST IN THAT ORDER. THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE WITH KIDS AND MARRIAGE THAN THERE ARE WITH FULL TIME JOBS NOW WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THE STATE OF FUCKING SOCIETY?
Everything he said is spot on but it goes against who I am as a person. I am content with my life. I am content to live alone for the next few years to come. I am always surrounded by stories of strife and negativity when it comes to relationships. I want to take it so fucking slow it's like applying for a firearms license with one hand and a criminal record.
So I guess in a way he sort of understood I didn't want commitment then switched tactics to just me getting a girlfriend solely for the purpose of getting laid. Now this is another thing I have been noticing a lot with my friendship circles and that's obtaining a girlfriend just purely for the sex then breaking it off later down the line. Apparently it's acceptable behaviour if both parties be adults in the eventual break up and retain friendship though there is still heartbreak and pain...

I honestly don't understand why casual sex isn't an acceptable practice? "Oh but one party always gets feelings" or "It could become awkward between you two". According to contemporary society it is more acceptable to seek forgiveness than ask permission. So essentially breaking someone's heart down the line rather than have them chase or crush on you to no avail. All I can say is, that's fucked. Yet apparently it's normal behaviour and I'm the outsider. It's times like these that I wish I could just rip my biological urges out of my fucking skull because humans as much as we go on about how we're the apex race on this Earth, we're just as fucking barbaric and primal much like any fucking animal that eats, fucks and sleeps. I had always believed that the goal of Humanity was to better ourselves, and as such moving past our nature to become something more. I guess that's something that is centuries off and I have to deal with what we are now. A savage race that follows its biological instincts.

To finish off this mass catch up post on a positive note, some good things lie ahead as I will be attending more parties and embarking on a journey up north to use up the last of my free train travel. Such a shame it had to end. I will also be heading down to Melbourne sometime too which will be a nice change of pace. Other than that, I really do hope I post more often as I had forgotten how good it feels to get everything written down. Too much detail I keep forgetting when I try to recollect my memory from a distant time.

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