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MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I think it's time to talk about filters.

Now a filter is something that allows something to go through whilst blocking any unwanted substance. The filter I'm on about is the conversational social filters we use everyday. Everyone has a filter and I mean absolutely everyone. These mental filters are put in when we are taught etiquette in school, what and what not to say to people. As we grow and develop more friendship circles the need to put different filters on depending on who we're talking to.

This was one thing I learnt the very hard way during my transition from High school to Tafe as the people I met there were so fucking different from the template personalities of High school. This really did help me socialise better with new people from that moment forth.

So why am I bringing this up now? Mainly because it's come to my attention that I'm slowly running out of people I can have unfiltered chats to. I still had a few which is nice but having to put on different filters every time I see someone else and I'm talking very drastic filter changes is becoming fucking annoying. Right now my control method is just to try and limit my conversations with them which is turning out nicely. Except for one problem which is this particular person we hang out with. Never in my life have I ever had to put on so many filters that I nearly become an absolute mute around her. Sometimes I say a sentence then realise mid way I haven't applied the proper filters and begin blabbering. Something I really need to fix in future.

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