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Tuesday, January 12, 2016



Surprisingly I took the bench for this one. Boy does it make you think. So from the beginning a long time ago in the year of 2013. We have Fudge and let's say... Star and Sun. Back then Fudge as any normal hormonal young male adult, obviously got himself into multiple close encounter scenarios however this one just took the cake. All slices of it. 

We'd just gotten introduced to Star and Sun and my impressions were of mixed critique however it seemed Fudge saw it as the next prey to pounce upon and they seemed to both be very willing. But here's the thing; Women generally joust with one opponant fighting anyone else for the title with no intention on sharing. In a mans world he would frolic amongst the herds of females and plough them all without a second thought. Women however seem to have hardwired genetic sequences in the parts of the brain that handlesurvivability. this makes them seek out safety which is provided by the genetically stronger gender being the males. But what does this history lesson have to do with this situation? Allow me to continue...

So Fudge managed to successfully court the Star as at the time she had the flamboyant upper body, charisma and intelligence. Sun knew this all too well and was close to backing down until she found multiple windows of opportunity. One such opportunity was that Fudge had refused to become chained in a relationship with Star as she had a traditionalist family, something I can agree is not favourable for the future and would hinder any chances of longterm stability. 

Sun regained hope and put it to the test, to which she some what succeeded. After a few meet ups she managed to get a bit of lip action from him, all behind Stars back. I was just admiring the well cut grass the neighbour had, such neat- how are they still kissing- man that tree as well looks marvelous- oh my gawd can they not kiss while I'm SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO THEM- damn that night sky looks amazing! 

It got to the point where they found out. Sun had other complications at the time whikst Star didn't seem too phased by what had transpired. So Sun and Star were no more... oh so we thought.

A year had passed and we kept friendships with Star whilst Sun went into hiatus. That was until a week ago when Sun regained contact and asked to meet up with Star included. I hastily accepted though the others seemed hesitant. In the year she was gone she had managed to get a boyfriend whilst Mitch had got a girlfriend. As much as Star tried to hide her jealousy it was rather apparent. It seemed Sun still had old feelings too. 

This is the part when that history lesson comes into practice. The female trying to be better than one another to gain an audience with the Alpha. But we're Humans, we have morality, ethics, beliefs and culture. Seems that these went out the window on a night not long ago. Before I go on, no, no one cheated and the "touch with your eyes" rule was enforced. It all began once the lights were turned off as Fudge knew as soon as Sun suggested Truth or Dare that things were going to get... frisky. I knew what I was getting into, I wasn't the 3rd, 4th or spare wheel. Oh no, I was the discarded flat tire. 

The night went on and clothes had started coming off, first shirts then shorts then very surprisingly bras too. Why were two girls comfortable with taking their clothes off around each other? The idea didn't dawn to me until Fudge mentioned it. They wanted to out do each other. Sun had managed to develop note worthy assets and Star wanted to stay ahead. By the way I didn't take any clothes off, why would they want to see the flat tire? 

Star and Sun then had us rate them, compare their breast sizes and give words of praise. More importantly they wanted a one on one audience with the Alpha (I kept my status as the omega in this scenario and tried to ward off any implicit thoughts, to which I succeeded). Though words and pleasant sights were seen, surprisingly no physical contact was made and for that I do highly praise their loyalty to their significant others and it gives me hope that their futures will be fruitful. 

So what was learnt throughout all this? Being able to feel morally sound as no physical contact was made, women are as ferocious as men and that I need to work on becoming a better omega.

Hopefully this peace lasts.  


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