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MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Friday, December 18, 2015


Workies. So much of it.

It was a weird overnight to say the least. I worked with the store manager (essentially my boss) who is an excellent guy and easy to get along with! He did have me do the odd job here and there but in exchange he did a few of mine which I was gracious for.

Now for the one big point of negativity for this post; The trip home. I waited a good hour for the bus as they start at 7 and I finish at 6 so I chat, have breaky and then watch various talk shows or comedy acts. At 7, the bus didn't arrive. The system on my phone presumed it had passed when I know it hadn't. The next bus was 30 minutes away so I thought "oh well, must have broken down then". The chances of a bus being slowed down by an accident is slim seeing as it's going outbound. Jack all traffic. Then the fucker of a thing goes past 25 minutes later as I'm walking. A swift finger for you, you piece of absolute shit. 

Onto better news, the feels side of life right now is deciding to help others with their relationship problem which hasn't been done in a while. A girl in which we will call May from my primary school, really likes this guy in my high school crew named... Rev. Rev has had a massing of girls flocking to become his significant other and he has had successful flings in the past but apparently he doesn't know shit about turning a fling into a relationship. May seems to know a lot and puts her experience with three past boyfriends to the test. An added complication us that May in her drunken haste made out with a guy named salt. Salt grew fond of May and I don't blame him as they had very similar interests compared to Rev. But apparently "girls can't have too much in common". Yeah, no wonder the divorce rate is so fucking high, but that rant is for another day. 

How do I fit in all this? Well I want May to be happy despite me being some what closer to Salt, it does make me feel saddened by his countless tries and fails but he has been successful, probsbly more than me but I feel that he fits into a category of people that fail hundreds of times to eventually succeed. Yes this has happened, people once hopeless with women suddenly have the masses after them. Will need to research into that later.

I probably should also mention that Rev and Salt are best friends and May sees Salt as a best friend also. Complicated isn't it? "Why should you care Owen?" Because I just want to live some nostalgia for once. Growing up becomes too static, too boring. 

So what am I going to do? I guess give advice and schedule dates or gatherings. The fortunate thing is that Salt dislikes the beach but Rev and May love it. I think I'll start there first. 

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