Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


It's the end of the year.

How is time going that fast? In the short amount of time between last post I had gotten drunk twice and sat at home. I didn't end up going to the club night as transport restricted me from doing so. It was fun enough at the party anyway though the club night had some people I haven't seen in a very long time. Definitely next time (I bloody hope there will be one). 

On the nerd side of things, I'm a part of this gamer page on Facebook that swaps, sells or buys games or anything related to it. I unfortunately got in contact with this money hungry prick that has the code to a rare item on this game I play. So I'm getting the game and code off him (to which I have a buyer for the game) and it was constant price lifts and excuses. I'm on my way now to claim it but it's barrages of messages asking if I want other games etc etc. 
From the look of his Facebook profile he's a single dad living in the lower class who probably had a verbally vioent breakup and is in need of serious cash. So the compassionate side of me is willing to pay the hefty price tag. 

This is just my justification to feeding the poor, I think I've done my part to society now if it could leave me be that would be great. One of my mates is exactly like this which is again very annoying to know there are people like him out there. I think in future I'll look with my eyes than my greed and desires. Bloody prick. 

On the feels side of life I think I'm on level ground. That girl I spoke about that resurfaced (I can't remember if I gave her a name... let's call her... Guilicent) is playing havok to my beliefs and traits. My state of mind was to exhibit no desire or want of any romance towards her. Too bad the back of my head is thirsty and boy does she put out. I've been in sort of control but it slips here and there. My goal is to work on the refinement of those impulses. 

Other than that I think it's smooth sailing for now, mentally at least. 

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