Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


A week of overnight shifts done.

It's safe to assume that my sleeping pattern has taken a turn for the worse. Essentially Monday was spent lazing around to the point where I ordered pizza to save walking anywhere (for some reason the food stores near my house close on Mondays). It was also my Mums birthday in which we celebrated at a Thai restaurant. The cake was freaken amazing! 

I Decided to go into the first overnight without sleep. Didn't really regret it however it was a shocker of a night with a constant flow of customers streaming through. It was a fucking nightmare. I was pretty much feeding mainland China!

Tuesday was spent sleeping until 5PM in which I had little time to do anything for the next shift which turned out to be even worse. We had to do extra cleaning for the mass of new managers streaming in so of course the best were put on for the day. No consideration for the overnighters though which pissed me off. Ended up leaving an hour and a half late.

The cycle continued however Wednesday and Thursday night were great! Everything worked out amazingly and I managed to leave on time for both days. 

Last night I managed to (finally) attend a gathering with the tafe mates in which we watched the hobbit. For once everyone fell asleep before me. I went to sleep at midnight and here I am awake at 6am. Problem is that I need to be functional for the party tonight with the uni mates this time. It's going to be one of those situations where I don't know the majority of the people attending bar the 3 uni mates and ex co-worker. Definitely will be rocking the Rastafarian hat for added confidence! 

Future plans involve an exam, two overnight shifts and the weekend is unknown. I did take three weeks off work for a much needed vacation. Not exactly sure but I do plan on seeing people I haven't seen in a long time, paintballing, Sonzilla's 21st and maybe visiting Cairns.

On the feels side of life it's been cruisey. No one to express interest too though it's great knowing my supply of single friends is diminishing by the second. A girl I met 5 years ago (yes things happened but nothing all that note worthy) added me on Facebook and I was wondering if I deleted her or she deleted me. It's safe to assume I deleted her as she has a child. It also annoys me when they say "14 months old". He's 1. Your child is ONE YEAR OLD HOW EASY IS THAT TO SAY?

Further on topic I've also managed to come up with some clever counter measures to the sexually arrogant people but that will be for the next rant in the My Rants page. Other than that I think I can stay on my cruisey lifestyle for the next 3 years as I will continue to meet new people at university. It's going to be a pain in the ass keeping up with everyone though. I'll manage I suppose. 

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