Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


An overdue update but one none-the-less.

The earliest thing I can remember from my last post would have to be sitting at home and going to work. Wednesday I went to Sirens with Woosh, Mr Spa guy, Mikkie Ds and Funton. It was pretty cool having the air hockey table downstairs and the crippling amount of KFC for dinner. I haven't had much of a good history with Mikkie D (to rehash, she's the 5th of the Fantastic 4) and I went in with the mentality that all can be forgiven. I was again mistaken. I wish to limit exposure to her every two months if possible. In summary she is arrogant, self centred, aggressive and illogical. One thing I can't stand is the way I'm treated when a girl believes I'm in her thrawl because of a false belief that I wish to persue sexual relations with her. No. You talk about how many times you have sex like it makes you better than me. 

"What's better than sex on whim?". How about sex whilst maintaining a healthy relationship with a stable career, your own house, a fully functioning car and a family that loves you. Rather than living in a poor lifestyle with failing job prospects.

Rant. Over. 
So that night went alright. The next morning was a slow awakening before going home. We met up with Cuddles in the city and I then decided to go to hers that night. We watched a movie, talked and slept. During my stay, we had a severe storm roll through so that was fun to be in. Ended up raining for the next couple of days. 

Last night was a party and this girls place that I haven't seen in a while. Turns out alcohol and food was provided!!!!! The amount of happiness was overwelming and I drank like crazy! Even did some greek drinking ritual too. 

Today was just the recovery day. Chilling here and there then going to work.

Tomorrows plans involve going to the city to meet various amounts of people.

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