Change log (dd/mm/yy):
Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

These pages offer information relating to my state of view on the above dates. They may not reflect my current views and should not be a reflection on my current state of mind.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Melbourne was fabulous! 

The first day started off pretty well, got to the airport early only to find out our flight was cancelled. The tafe crew and I were then shuttle bused to another airport at the state border (which is ages away). With 3 hours to spare we went to the conveniently placed beach across the road! Afterwards we managed to get on the flight without a hitch. Got to sit in one of the exit seats so it was fun to know how to open the emergency doors. Upon arriving in Melbourne the cold air swept me away! The weather was FANTASTIC. 
Finding our hotel was a bit of a struggle as they gave us the wrong instructions, eventually we figured it out. We managed to snag a room on the 22nd floor! The view was amazing! 

The second day in and I was already on the move. I went out to visit one of my high school mates at his university. Same fun loving guy that's for sure! He even managed to amass some Indian friends (the kind that are kind of aware of their surrounding culture). On our way to lunch the university has two stands, one stand for non social club members to purchase sausages and bread and the other stand for the social club for free sausages and beer! EVERY THURSDAY!!! Queensland, you have a tendancy to copy everything but this is definitely one of those things! 
So after our short stay we went and had some Korean food and it's safe to say it was some pretty funkalicious stuff. After our big chill session I went off to the train station to see another high school mate. Only took me two hours to get there though... 
Her and I spent the night drinking and talking in her room. It's so much nicer in person than online. 

The third day consisted of a great lunch, lots of uno and another 2 hour trip back. Once I got back I got to meet Mr 2.0s older and extremely taller brother who was drunk and bought us pizza. He even shared some life stories which was nice. 

The fourth day was shopping day! I went with Swift and Woosh but ended up shooing them off when I found this trading card store! Spent a good two hours in there. Also spent a good $150 in there (most was paid back as it wasn't for me). We reunited and had lunch before going back to the apartment to drink again for the night. It was meant to be a night of clubbing but disregarding my advice we went to the wrong side of the city. We had ounces of fun and saw seven police cars around a singular guy with no shirt on yelling profanities but the night got cut short as Swift had no interest in what was happening. Whilst they took the taxi back, Woosh and I decided to save money and walk back... going past all the clubs on the way... 

The fifth day was an interesting one. Woosh and I went to see a friend that we haven't seen in yonks. Good to know she'll be a doctor in 6 years though! Woosh was head over heels for her though. Couldn't get her out of his head.  
Dinner was spent at an Italian restaurant and OH MAN IT WAS SO GOOD THAT I COULDN'T EVEN FINISH THE MEAL! That and $30 later...

The last day was the flight home which went off pretty well until two of us were over the limit and had to pay an $83 overweight luggage fee. Mr 2.0 was only over by 800 grams, if we werent so hasty he could have avoided it. Swift though was waaaaay over so there was no hope there. 
The trip was smooth and our departure from the airport without flaw. Home felt good... but still fucking hot. Then I realised I had an assignment due that I didn't start so that was a great 3 hour rush job.

Also I may not post again for a while as it's all uni and work for the next five days. Supernova is also upon me (yay for losing more funds!).

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