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Miscellaneous page last updated: 2/9/14
Socio-economics page last updated: 21/8/14
MY RANTS last updated: 20/3/16

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Sunday, February 1, 2015


'No leaving this party with nobody to love'

Mr Spa guys place proved to be a good use of a pool table and banter amongst us. The next day if I can remember correctly was me going home to some rest and relaxation. The next day I ended up chilling at home until the afternoon when I departed to Cuddles place. I arrived to find only The Model and her brother watching anime on their new TV. It seems that everyone appears to be getting large TVs... 

Going on a tangent, in my household instead of having a giant TV we just have a total of 4 medium sized TVs and 1 that's slightly smaller. It's not really a matter of being able to afford one but we have no use for it, no space to put it and we all have our own TVs. The only use for a giant TV would be if we all watched something as a family or if we had people over. Neither has happened in a long time and I'm not spending a grand to accommodate to other peoples amusement. 

Back to what I was on about earlier, Cuddles, Mr 2.0 and Siren came shortly after. The 5th of the flirty five even came along too. During the predrinking it seemed like a normal night of preparation. The girls being girls and the men trying to stomach the absorbent amount of alcohol. I had great difficulty keeping it down for some reason but came through. After some delay from a taxi mishap we made it to the venue. It was fun for the most part, it was even Mr Spa guys first time at a club and he enjoyed himself despite the influx of unwanted male attention. I tried wingmanning one of the girls high school friends but the response was "he looks really young, it would be like pedophilia". Oh the world can be cruel sometimes. 

Another perculier thing happened too, this girl came over attempting to hit on Mr 2.0 but later got palmed off to Mr Spa guy and I. She came close in whispered in our ears "I'm here because my mum just died". I don't know what reaction to have to that and if she wasn't being serious then that's one fucked up pick up line. She even came alone which was alarming enough. 

After a long time and Mr Spa guys 14 drinks we went back to Cuddles place for some SLEEP!

Today was a landslide of events. I managed to get a lift back to a shopping centre where I did some errands and time killing before eventually getting the bus into the city. Instead of getting the train home I had to go to city hall and vote for the state election. It was a pretty easy process, just in and out and done. Once I got home I caught up with a primary school buddy before going to work. After work the pirate crew were there so we just chilled before I went home and slept.

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